New York Pollster admits voter fraud

More evidence of widespread voter fraud-

While discussing the potential for fraud, Schulkin volunteered that in some parts of the city, “they bus people around to vote . . . They put them in a bus and go poll site to poll site.”

Asked which neighborhoods, Schulkin said, “I don’t want to say.”

When the undercover mentions black and Hispanic neighborhoods, Schulkin responded, “Yeah . . . and Chinese, too.”

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Our culture is being “Enriched” again

Recently there has been a new influx of illegals and others from god knows where coming in to the country.And as usual there has been an uptick in disease outbreaks.The latest large outbreak is in Arkansas,this time Mumps.

Local to me MSRA and Hep A cases are on the rise.So once again we get to pay the costs in money,time and lives.

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Must be a CR reader

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Trump punks the press

Another middle finger from the Donald to the LSM-

TRUMP PUNKED THE PRESS: Told Reporters They Were Going to Pre-Debate Presser, Walked in on Clinton Rape Victims!

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Open House

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‘America, You Have No Right to Judge Donald Trump

…All the same people in the media and political class today who are condemning Trump don’t give a wit about what he said on that tape. It’s all smoke and mirrors with them. Given the rampant immorality in D.C. and throughout the political media, they’re hardly shocked by the businessman’s comments.
They don’t believe in absolute morality anyway. And even if they do have some semblance of conscience, they don’t think it matters what happens in private. All that matters is pushing their liberal agenda. If it takes being hypocritical about Trump, then so be it.
Their moral outrage is as fake as Hillary Clinton’s smile during a debate. The real outrage they feel is over any threat to their ideology and their quest for power…’
The rest of it here
‘Oh, Puleez! Get off your high horses’
By Ruth King

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Givers and takers

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For a proper Diet

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She “dreams of Open trade and Open borders”

Some of Hillary’s speech transcripts have come out and her mask is coming off-

Wikileaks Dump: Hillary Dreams of ‘Open Trade and Open Borders’

Update: Things aren’t playing out just right for team Convict.

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Afghanistan: “War Situation”,not “War”.

This latest bit of absurdity-

A roadside bomb killed a U.S. service member on foot patrol Tuesday in eastern Afghanistan as part of a mission to fight a growing Islamic State affiliate, the U.S.-led coalition announced.

Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook said the service member died in a “combat situation,” but refused to call it combat when asked by Fox News.

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