Florida is about to get punched

Matthew is expected to intensify today back to a Cat 4 Hurricane and it’s expected to rake the entire east coast of Florida,Georgia and parts of the Carolina coast.

See here-



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Blue Origin does it again!

Flawless test of the crew capsule escape system

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The Bastards can’t even fix the one

Veterans die waiting as Phoenix VA Hospital builds new backlog list-


“The Phoenix Veterans Affairs office is still improperly canceling veterans’ appointments, has built up a new backlog of cases — and at least one veteran is likely dead because of it, the department’s inspector general said in a new report Tuesday.”

Has anyone been fired?Have any real changes been made?

Ya,I thought so :evil:

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Open House

And BTW:There is a new Woodpile Report up



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Does He have the Goods?

Wikileaks set to release more documents-



I hope this is the death knell we have been waiting for,instead of a fizzle.

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So effing what?

‘Kakapo decline caused by European colonisation, study finds
The sharp population decline of kakapo is associated with European colonisation of New Zealand, rather than Polynesians, researchers say….’  Link
I’ll start to take notice of this kind of “research” when I see studies examining the role maori played in hunting various species to extinction or near-extinction given the same prominence. I’m bloody tired of being the caucasian football for a bunch of academics too cowardly to examine the truly destructive aspects of the culture of Those-Who-Must-Not-Be-Blamed.
Oh…and European colonisation saved a whole lot of maoris from being murdered by their tribal rivals…but I’ve never seen that mentioned in any academic “studies”.

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Because Facts and Statistics are Racist

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Hillary’s Red Army March of Tax-Hike Destruction

She’s planning and running on a massive number of tax increases-


Let me pull out my list of Clinton tax hikes: a $350 billion income tax increase in the form of a 28-percent cap on itemized deductions (without lowering personal tax rates); a more-than $400 billion “fairness” tax hike in the form of a 4 percent “surcharge” on high-end earners; and the “Buffet rule,” which would establish a 30-percent minimum tax on earners with adjusted gross incomes over $1 million.

Clinton also proposes increasing the estate tax rate to a range of 45 to 65 percent and reducing the exemption to $3.5 million.

Remember, estate taxes are already hit once by the income tax, and again by the capital-gains tax. Here, Clinton would end the stepped-up capital gains tax basis and instead value the gain all the way back to the initial transaction.

Democrats,always in favor of mask and gun taxation :evil:

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The Catholic church, again

complicit in – and profiting from – cultural genocide:
´Our home is for our elderly, not for Muslims´:
Community furious over plans to move Syrian refugees into the empty rooms at an aged care facility
How many millions of taxpayers’ dollars have mainstream “Christian” churches been paid by Western governments to aid the invasion?

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15 questions White People have for Buzzfeed racists

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