complicit in – and profiting from – cultural genocide:
´Our home is for our elderly, not for Muslims´:
Community furious over plans to move Syrian refugees into the empty rooms at an aged care facility
How many millions of taxpayers’ dollars have mainstream “Christian” churches been paid by Western governments to aid the invasion?
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Catholic and other Christian charities are by far the better alternative to the welfare state. If and when we discard Christianity, the vacuum to be filled will not be a pleasant entity, as we can partially see today.
If some Catholics and other Christians have drunk the Kool-Aid and want to give our society away to the third world, it’s not to do with Christian philosophy but the same irrational emotionalism which has allowed the worst regimes and events of history to take root.
The Catholic Church has not become the oldest organization in human history by being that naive, the present “Pope” being a Marxist political activist notwithstanding.
“Catholic and other Christian charities are by far the better alternative to the welfare state..”
Agreed – provided their funds come from voluntary donations, not taxpayer’s money dispensed by the State.
Otherwise, they are simply State welfare agencies.
“If some Catholics and other Christians have drunk the Kool-Aid and want to give our society away to the third world, it’s not to do with Christian philosophy but the same irrational emotionalism which has allowed the worst regimes and events of history to take root.”
In fact, it has to do with an interpretation of Christian philosophy which enables some naive (or plain stupid) nominal Christians to enjoy the warm fuzzies by outsourcing their good works to a church hierarchy which is busy undermining Western civilisation.
Agreed. Too many prosperous and stable decades have given the dangerous naivete of progressivism fertile ground to take root.
The region with the most hope, seems to me, is Eastern Europe, where they value the Christian tradition and also they can remember the disaster of communism. The rest of us in the Western world will have to learn the hard way.
Yes indeed, Dallas. It’s ironic that Eastern Europe is showing the way, isn’t it?
I agree with you, I would even suggest that Russia under Putin is a better hope for Christian survival than the USA under Clinton. Yet here we are, am I dreaming? Here we are, inviting self confessed invaders, giving them homes and free stuff, and criminalising those who point that out. There is Putin believably threatening to exterminate the sandpit gang if they lay a finger on his country. How did this flip come about, or has it always been this way and we’ve never noticed? Maybe I’ve been sipping on the electric Kool-Aid.