She’s planning and running on a massive number of tax increases-
Let me pull out my list of Clinton tax hikes: a $350 billion income tax increase in the form of a 28-percent cap on itemized deductions (without lowering personal tax rates); a more-than $400 billion “fairness” tax hike in the form of a 4 percent “surcharge” on high-end earners; and the “Buffet rule,” which would establish a 30-percent minimum tax on earners with adjusted gross incomes over $1 million.
Clinton also proposes increasing the estate tax rate to a range of 45 to 65 percent and reducing the exemption to $3.5 million.
Remember, estate taxes are already hit once by the income tax, and again by the capital-gains tax. Here, Clinton would end the stepped-up capital gains tax basis and instead value the gain all the way back to the initial transaction.
Democrats,always in favor of mask and gun taxation
Unfortunately a large portion of the U.S. voting public do not see through this and will vote for vile Hillary regardless. It seems that the very large left wing media and their war against Trump and their demonizing of him is working. My take is that there is a 70% chance of the Demoncrats winning the presidency.
The taker class will always vote left.I am hoping thought that enough people who have been apathetic about voting for a long time will get out and vote and at least keep the witch out.
Hungary votes 98-2 in referendum to reject EU migrant quotas-
With estate taxes, I’ll just put my money in gold and silver. Still its a raw deal for everybody else but me.
While on the topic, they’ve just created the clinton rape whistle. When Bill is coming to town, people will use the rape whistle. Brilliant idea. I wish I had been that clever.