Our bit towards AGW:

firewood We’ve been cutting and splitting firewood for weeks. A lot of fun and great exercise. (click on pic for full size)

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Open house

Return of Kings:
‘What Makes A Man Excellent’

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Germany and the road to civil war:

‘Islamic Council of Germany calls for ban on Alternative for Germany party

Germany is now headed down the road to civil war.
In a remarkable interview with the BBC Newshour program on Sunday night, the spokesman for the Islamic Council of Germany (ISC) called for an outright ban on the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party after comparing the AfD to the Nazi Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei; NSDAP) of the 1930s.
Germany is increasingly falling under the stranglehold of Islamification pressure by Muslims in the country who seek to bring sharia law into full force.
Back in January, a Muslim group called for the banning of alcohol in Germany, and now the ICG is seeking to ban political parties that hold a negative view of Islam. So-called “sharia zones” have already been declared by Muslims in western Germany, with “sharia police” patrolling the streets under the support of the German court system. A growing number of legal cases are also being decided by sharia law….’
All Wabbit has to say to that is:  Civil war? I sincerely hope so.

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A staggering waste of Aussie taxpayer’s money:

It’s high time these conceited, egotistical leftist elitist c*nts were brought to heel. And Turnbull is just the man NOT to do it.

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‘South Africa: Rescued lions explore new home in sanctuary’

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The culture Kiwis are told to revere…

Yet another:
‘Toddler tortured to death’

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Open house

Getting blatant, aren’t they? And no doubt they’ll find their way smoothed by bureaucrats….
‘Rush to naturalize immigrant voters before election…’
Stealing America, in plain view.

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Elections Australia 2016

The esteemed Jo Nova, and why Aussie conservatives should not vote for Turnbull, the left’s Trojan horse.

Brilliant stuff! 

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Destroy bureaucracy, save the West:

protein-world-640x480 Britainistan:
‘Advertising Watchdog Moves To Ban “Idealised” Images Of Pretty Women
The UK’s advertising watchdog is investigating the “objectification and sexualisation of women in ads” because of an “increasing political and public debate” driven by “offended” feminists on social media. (Bold mine)
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has already started banning ads featuring attractive women, that supposedly cause “offence, or harm”. Such censorship may now become routine, as the ASA claims it is “alive to changing attitudes and behaviours”.
Never mind politicians –  any recovery from this shit will come from making the unelected bureaucrat bastards’ lives hell. By any means necessary.

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Hypocritical prick:

‘Facebook Spends $16 Million on Armed Guards for Open-Borders Activist Zuckerberg
…This means that even as Facebook was incrementally barring law-abiding citizens–including licensed gun dealers–from advertising firearm sales for self-defense, they were spending millions to keep Zuckerberg surrounded by hired guys carrying guns.

Facebook’s ban on the advertisement of gun sales has even led to the deletion of accounts on which the word “firearms” is included…’

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