Stuff News NZ is a bloody disgrace

for publishing inaccurate “progressive” attacks such as this and passing it off as an opinion piece. No mention in it – of course – about fascists and Mexican activists attempting to shut down free speeech….
Odd, isn’t it, how their opinion pieces are sourced almost exclusively from left-wing outlets? And how seldom they publish a balancing item from the other side of politics?
Kiwis deserve better than the trivia and propaganda served up as “news” in this country.

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Open house

Whatever you find interesting, amusing or infuriating.

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Excuse me while I puke

‘John Key responds to kids’ climate change video’
Because brats really understand the science, right? And they’re not merely parroting their leftard teachers’ propaganda….right?

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‘Here’s Why The Left Is So Desperate To Defend The New Feminist Ghostbusters
Man, am I tired of being right! Sure as night follows day, the trailer for the new, feminist-friendly, chick-laden Ghostbusters is tanking on YouTube. With nearly 750,000 dislikes, it is the most hated trailer in the site’s history.
You’d think it would be time for the movie’s defenders to face reality, and accept the ill-fated reboot for what it is: a feminist cash-in for angsty, blue-haired, Tumblr-obsessed, pronoun-bothering cat ladies….’

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‘Hoisting the black flag.’

Colonel B. Bunny

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For once, I’m speechless!

What. The. Hell?

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“Why I Will Vote for Trump”

“My reasons are probably very similar to that of millions of other Americans. I will explain what I think is going on that leads so many of us to vote for Trump–let me know if I have it all wrong. As the military say, however, bottom line upfront (BLUF) After all the verbiage I will inflict on you, it comes down to one thing: I am tired, sick and tired, of seeing our country, our laws, our history, our values, and our very civilization spat upon, kicked around, and degraded by hordes of low-information, pampered cretins allied with malevolent criminal thugs both at home and abroad….”
Read the rest:
The Diplomad 2.0

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Gawd ‘elp us:

‘Women Will Determine the Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election’
Screen Shot 2016-05-04 at 8.27.54 PM

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Are Electric Cars Really Green?

When you see somebody driving a Prius or Nissan Leaf, you’re looking at a virtue-signalling idiot.

Speaking of idiots (or corruption), we now have this:
‘The future’s electric
The Government wants to have 64,000 electric vehicles on New Zealand’s roads by 2021.’

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Britain’s surrender to barbarism:

‘London Poised To Elect A Muslim Mayor Who Has Defended Islamists, 9/11 Terrorists, And Who Is Endorsed By Anti-Semites’

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