“Why I Will Vote for Trump”

“My reasons are probably very similar to that of millions of other Americans. I will explain what I think is going on that leads so many of us to vote for Trump–let me know if I have it all wrong. As the military say, however, bottom line upfront (BLUF) After all the verbiage I will inflict on you, it comes down to one thing: I am tired, sick and tired, of seeing our country, our laws, our history, our values, and our very civilization spat upon, kicked around, and degraded by hordes of low-information, pampered cretins allied with malevolent criminal thugs both at home and abroad….”
Read the rest:
The Diplomad 2.0

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50 Responses to “Why I Will Vote for Trump”

  1. Ronbo says:

    Hear, Hear, THE MAN!

    It’s a beautiful morning in America – the last great empire of Western Civilization – where the world nationalist revolution is cutting its baby teeth this morning with the landslide victory of Trump over Cruz.

    In the words the words of Churchill, “This is not the beginning of the end, it is, however, the end of the beginning.”

    Its kind of like putting the troops ashore on D-Day – hard battles lay ahead against a very determined enemy – but the “Big Mo” is with the Allies.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

    • KG says:

      I have mixed feelings about this, Ronbo.
      Much as I’d love to see the Republic restored – and a lot else besides – I’m very doubtful that a President Trump could accomplish it.
      But what he could do is fracture the cozy ruling duopoly, and that alone would be a pretty decent step forward.

  2. Darin says:

    It all comes down to- Trump MIGHT be a liberal president,whereas Hillary will DEFINITELY be a liberal and a hard left one.

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    Last night ushered in the death of the GOP, the death of the Republic, the death of Western Civilisation.

    The job of Leader of the Free World is going to go to one of two toxic leftists (one a corrupt old Communist with a 5-decade long record of fraud, corruption and – literal – murder, the other a corrupt old Fascist with a 5-decade long record of funding leftist corruptocrats), neither of whom has any understanding of the reasons and philosophies on which your nation was founded, any understanding of – let alone fealty to – your Constitution, and both of whom are going to be facing federal Court while campaigning. It turns out, the movie Idiocracy is a documentary.

    Anyone cheering this morning has been scammed. Your Orange Messiah will do precisely none of the things he’s promised.

    He might build a wall (he’ll call it a jobs programme, I guess), but he’ll do nothing to fix the other 40% of the illegal immigration crisis – Visa overstays – because he’s personally benefited so handsomely from it.

    If he does what he’s promised on trade, it will make everything in America more expensive, and lead to a global trade war the likes of which kicked off the Great Depression, which ushered in Roosevelt, the New Deal and all of the big-government programmes we all despise.

    And that’s to say nothing of his praise for the Planned Parenthood baby-butchers, the appointment of his leftist sister to the Supreme Court and his lack of any ability whatever to do anything to tackle the runaway spending and big-government programmes which are the real problems.

    He is a deal-maker with no ideological base. We’ve had one of those in New Zealand these past 8 years. He was elected with massive support to swing the country back to the right after a decade of rule by a Fabian Socialist (read: Communist), but because he is a deal-maker with no guiding principles, he has swung hard-a-port (that being the path of least resistance). Rather than shrink the size of government, reduce government spending and debt and kick-start the economy, New Zealand has become a three-class nation: the privileged oligarchs at the top of the Maori tree, the Chinese funders of the profligacy and the rest of us labouring under a massive state- and debt-burden.

    Donald Trump is John Key, painted orange.

    • Brown says:

      Yep. I read somewhere that if voting mattered they wouldn’t let you do it.

    • Andrew Berwick says:

      Last night ushered in the death of the GOP, the death of the Republic, the death of Western Civilisation

      Nope. That happens on Nov 8, if Hillary wins.

    • rivoniaboy says:

      “and lead to a global trade war the likes of which kicked off the Great Depression,” it is simplistic to infer that a global trade war kicked off the Great Depression, it was far more complex than that, read – The Day the Bubble Burst. by Gordon Thomas.
      Trump attacked China, which has never played by the rules.

      To put Key in the same league as Trumps is laughable, true Trump may well be a deal maker, Key on the other hand is just a two bit currency dealer.

    • Bo Chandler says:

      I suppose we’re meant to believe that Cruz was going to turn all this around?

      100 years of the Republic being hollowed out, but Teddy was going to fix it.
      Trillions of dollars in national debt, but Teddy was going to fix it.
      Ten times that in unfunded liabilities, but Teddy was going to fix it.
      Millions of entrenched government regulators, but Teddy was going to fix it.
      A supreme court that largely ruled left, even when it was a so called 50/50 split, but Teddy was going to fix it.
      In what? Four years? You think the oligarchy would give him 8? Even if they did? With every rent seeker and parasite gunning for his blood? Do you seriously think he was going to go in to DC and clean up the streets like some fabled sheriff in a western?

      You’ve got to get over this, man. Voting was NEVER going to be a relevant factor. What has been allowed to grow cannot be shrunk. It can only be killed. But I for one am not interested in plaintiff cries of “if only we voted for blah blah and blah…” The USA was dead from the time Lincoln decided to back the will of the Feds over the states by force. From that day DC became a cancer that would inevitably INEVITABLY kill the host.

      Ted Cruz was just a fantasy for conservatives desperate to believe they could watch The Restoration(tm) from the comfort of their lounge suite.
      THE END.

      • KG says:

        Amen to that, Bo.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        “… but Teddy was going to fix it…”

        You really think your orange-painted clown will?

        • KG says:

          I think the point a lot of us are making – including voters – is that we dont care if he can or can’t, since no one person can do that anyway.
          We just want to see the cozy, corrupt duopoly shaken up and sent a clear message.
          For me, if it results in all-out civil war in America, that’d be bonus whatever the outcome. Because the alternative is OWG slavery.
          And if it spreads to other Western countries then I’ll be even happier.
          Burn the bastard down. It’s time.

          • Bo Chandler says:


            Trump is the vehicle under which the pissed off middle-class whites have finally been given the most precious gift of all. The recognition that they are not alone. That they are in fact legion.

            Trump himself is an irrelevance. The very position of POTUS is an irrelevance. The only thing that matters is that the spell of the MSM that told everyone “you are alone” has been undone.

            Everything else flows from there, which is why these ludicrous conspiracy theories about Trump being in Hillary’s employ are such a joke.

            Trump has smashed the false opposition of the Republican party. He needs to do nothing more.

            • KG says:

              “Trump has smashed the false opposition of the Republican party. He needs to do nothing more.”
              :mrgreen: In a nutshell.

  4. KG says:

    I don’t believe there’s any real equivalence regarding Key and Trump and Kiwi politics, Gantt.
    Americans are not Kiwis, not as compliant, not as steeped in socialism and many millions of them have a deep commitment to liberty.
    Break it then fix it.
    And no other so-called conservative is willing to do that.

    (Key) “was elected with massive support to swing the country back to the right”
    I rather doubt that. He was elected largely as a reaction against the hideous Klarkula and maori privilege, imo. I detect no mass movement in NZ calling for a swing away from socialism.

    Ann Coulter: And Then There Was the One

    • Darin says:

      “Break it then fix it.
      And no other so-called conservative is willing to do that.”

      And that’s it in a nutshell and the reason why I decided that Cruz was not the answer.Over the past few months listening to his speeches he started sounding just like Rubio. Mainly just the same polished,rehearsed closing argument playing up to the jury that any trial lawyer is capable of.In the end there is just no chance that he would be elected and even if he was he wouldn’t be able to get anything done.
      All I want Trump to do is throw a brick through the window in Washington,the rest we can handle ourselves.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        “All I want Trump to do is throw a brick through the window in Washington”

        He bought the window and paid the glazier. He has spent 5 decades funding the people behind the glass.

        And you think he’s going to break it down?

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Sorry mate, but I think the evidence speaks otherwise. The very fact the election is a competition between two big-government leftists shows Americans are just as susceptible to the false promises of big-government socialism as anyone else.

      Trump is Key, in orange.
      He is Obama, in orange.
      He is Clinton, without the Mao suit.

      He is every bit the big-government leftist that each of those three are.

      • Andrew Berwick says:

        TRUMP! carried concealed all thought the primary, even in the debates

        if that’s not worth a hell of a lot, what is?

  5. Alan says:

    Absolute rubbish Gantt Guy. Trump is a patriot who calls a spade a spade. He does not suffer political correctness He is his own man. How refreshing to see the cosy Washington elite on both sides having a tidal wave shoved right up their greasy backsides. I watched Karl Rove this morning and he was beside himself having to accept defeat. I completely disagree with you take on things.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      So far, in the course of the campaign season, your man has:

      • advocated government-provided (read: single-payer) healthcare
      • supported the Obamacare Individual Mandate
      • praised Planned Parenthood
      • promised to raise taxes on “the rich”
      • said he’ll broaden libel laws so he can sue people who say mean things about him or criticise his policies
      • said he would keep Common Core
      • advocated massive tariffs on imported goods, sparking a trade war
      • said he’d spark a regional arms race by letting Japan and South Korea develop nukes
      • claimed he will reduce the $19 trillion national debt down to $0 within 8 years
      • said he will repeal Citizens United (not seeming to realise CU is not a law, and as POTUS he can’t repeal squat)
      • praised the worst of the liberal democrats from Harry Reid to Chuck Schumer to Boehner to McConnell

      That’s just off the top of my head, and without getting into the simple fact he has neither the intellect nor the temperament to be POTUS. His disgusting, disgraceful attacks on Ted Cruz’ family should give anyone and everyone pause for concern – what will he do to anyone who opposes him? He displays all of the worst tendencies of all of history’s worst dictators.

      And you’ve fallen for it.

      • KG says:

        We shall see.
        Whatever happens, the chances of a President being able to rein in and reform a massive bureaucracy (and that, I believe, is the most urgent problem all over the West) are zilch. Nada. Zero.

      • Bo Chandler says:

        Is he married to a Goldman Sachs executive?

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          You mean a mid-level wealth manager? No, he’s not. He’s married to a tart who made her living getting her kit off and, when she got too saggy for that, married a wealthy old pervert for his money.

          Cruz never borrowed money from George Soros.
          Cruz never donated to Hillary Clinton
          Cruz never donated to Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi.
          Cruz isn’t golfing and texting buddies with the GOP Leadership.

          Cruz isn’t advocating today that there’s merit in a $15 per hour minimum wage.

          But hey, enjoy your delusion. Your proto-fascist will change precisely nothing.

          • Bo Chandler says:

            He’s already changed the narrative. He’s already got the MSM on their heels.

            Did Teddy manage that much?

            p.s. I’m not banking on Trump to change anything. I’m with the blood and steel crowd. But Trump is making the promises that, if broken, will drive more people to my camp. Ted wasn’t even brave enough to rock the boat. You might recall that’s why he lost to Trump.

  6. PC says:

    Thanks for causing me to stumble over a now “must read” blog.

    • KG says:

      The Diplomad is excellent stuff. :) And he’s been around for a long time too.

  7. Alan says:

    I have fallen for nothing Gannt guy, with a message that large numbers of the Republican base liked Trump romped home with the election. You can list all the negatives you like, but the other 16 or 17 candidates had them in spades.

    • Darin says:

      And that’s just it isn’t it?Cruz was no Messiah either despite what Glenn Beck would have us believe.

      • Bo Chandler says:

        I maintain that Ted Cruz is a globalist “in joke” to see how many Conservatives would vote for a candidate who was married to a G$ executive on the North American Union project.

  8. Ronbo says:

    Darin said,

    “All I want Trump to do is throw a brick through the window in Washington,
    the rest we can handle ourselves.”

    Great Minds Think Alike!

    Ronbo said, “Trump did not create the revolution; the revolution created Trump.”

    “We don’t need an intellectual, a debater, a legislator or a compromiser. Legalistic niceties be damned. We want a man of action who will “fix bayonets” and lead us over the top. “– Dan Gorski

    Fellow Crusaders: this election year in America is not a typical election year in a typical Western Democracy where afterwards its business as usual – This is 1774, 1788, 1860, 1916 ….

    This is the year before the poop hits the fan.

    ….for one thing it really doesn’t matter who wins in November because the other side of the body politic will not accept the result of election. They will go wild in 2017 – 100 years after the Russian Revolution!

    This is the year before the revolution.

    Mark my words…

  9. The Gantt Guy says:

    “I’m actually looking at [a $15/hr minimum wage] because I am very different from most Republicans.” –Donald Trump, presumptive GOP nominee 4 May 2016

    You’ve nominated a Liberal Democrat. Congratulations.

    • KG says:

      We could play this game forever, Gantt, with any candidate.
      But unless we are privy to their private conversations, it’s pretty much meaningless.
      Trump – like every other politician – is perfectly capable of saying one thing and then doing another, and for all sorts of reasons.
      They’re almost all scumbags. Their pursuit of power demonstrates that.

    • Bo Chandler says:

      We didn’t nominate anyone.

      American patriots nominated a device to wreck a fake opposition that has been stealing their thunder for decades.

      But we could do this all day. It seems to go in one ear and out the other.

  10. KG says:

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What he means is, “until Trump bends over for the Dems like the rest of us”

    ‘Speaker of the House Paul Ryan asserted that he was unable to support Donald Trump as the Republican nominee until he started acting more like a conservative and started uniting the party.’

  11. Magoo says:

    Trump supports transvestite rights to use women’s bathrooms, tariffs – even against US companies (i.e. increased business tax), Trumpcare (Obamacare with a different name), Planned Parenthood supporter (i.e. pro abortion), increasing taxes for the rich, raising the minimum wage, funds the establishment, endorses his long time friend Hillary Rotten Clitoris, donates to the Democrats, is good buddies with Boehner, etc, etc. The guy’s a full on RINO liberal, he even openly admits it:


    Hillary – Trump, two sides of the same coin. If you encourage bad behaviour by supporting those who commit it, you enable them and set a precendent which will run on until somebody else stops it. Trump’s supporters remind me of Obama’s supporters, willfully blind to the truth until it’s way, way too late. If you pick someone who is pro transvestite rights to choose the Supreme Court justices, will you be surprised if his choices are a pack of liberal progressives?

    My prediction is that he will lose the election for the main reason conservative voters & women won’t vote for such a blatant liberal RINO, and trying to pressure them into voting for him by saying the alternative is Clunton won’t be enough for them to hold their noses & vote for someone who isn’t that much different to her.

    • Bo Chandler says:

      You can tell Trump’s such a RINO because the entire RINO party along with the RINO media have been desperate to sink him from minute one, yeah?

      Just more of the white noise conjured up by the “it’s not my fault cuz I didn’t vote for whoever” crowd. What, is this little song and dance a foundation for future excuses to avoid gunplay? The whole “I didn’t abandon my country, it abandoned me” sook-fest?

      How about we simplify this with a single question. Do you still believe against all evidence that some sort of miraculous outcome at the ballot box was ever going to turn things around?

      Trump haters need to man up and get some God damned perspective.

      • KG says:

        “My prediction is that he will lose the election for the main reason conservative voters & women won’t vote for such a blatant liberal RINO”
        What utter fucking bollocks!!
        The record shows that women favour RINOS over real conservatives by a very large margin.
        And plenty of Republican voters have voted for RINOS in the past, partly because that was all that was on offer after the MSM and RNC had winnowed out the conservatives.
        Trump destroyed that game by refusing to play it and that scares the crap out of those who still have an entirely unfounded faith in the ability of the ballot box to fix things.
        It will only be fixed by a massive insurrection. Failing that…..enjoy being a slave.

        • Bo Chandler says:

          I too am getting tired of the bullshit regarding Trump.

          When the Republican party and the full spectrum of the MSM was in a frothing fit about Ted Cruz the vote-our-way-out-of-this crowd was screaming it as proof positive that he was a genuine outsider and a real hope for restoration.

          Now we’re supposed to believe that the massive Soros funded activist campaign against Trump, the vitriol of the MSM as well as the RINO elites tossing every hurdle in his way to boot is some kind of huge conspiracy to mask Trump’s status as a fake outsider.

          Take me to area 51. I want to get to opinions of Bigfoot on this one.

        • Magoo says:

          I didn’t mean that women won’t vote for him because he’s a RINO, I meant women won’t vote for him full stop. Conservatives won’t vote for him because he’s a RINO.

      • Magoo says:

        Bo – you can tell Trump’s a RINO because he has liberal policies, supports liberal politicians, AND ADMITS IT HIMSELF:


        The reason the Republicans hate him is because he’s a Democrat – again, he admits it himself. Don’t take my word for it, listen to the man himself. Don’t you believe what Trump says?

        • KG says:

          Like we care?
          The real problems facing liberty-loving people won’t be solved by the ballot box. The kabuki theatre in Washington and Canberra and London etc will only be ended at the point of gun and rioting and destruction.
          Which means they may not be solved at all.
          All discussion of politics begins to look like a debate about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
          While we slouch towards slavery.

        • Bo Chandler says:

          Hear sense, Magoo.

          The elites of the Republican party repeatedly engineer a series of irrelevant bullshit issues to debate the Democrats over and they repeatedly, against all odds and numbers, lose. Time and time again. Meanwhile anything of importance is quietly decided behind closed doors and the winner is ALWAYS big government. Your precious Republican brand is a sham. It has been for decades now, and the sooner you come to grips with that the better off you’ll be.

          When the Republicans had the numbers just recently, tell me how they confronted the real issues. Please. Tell me how they closed the borders. Tell me how they stood up to Obama and defunded a single one of the hundreds of government bureaucracies that strangle freedom on a daily basis.

          Face the facts. Your precious republican party elites are a bunch of con-artists playing you and every other brand loyalist for chumps.

          So, no. I don’t give a shit what Trump says and neither, apparently, do the millions of people who have voted for him, which you seem to assume are all a bunch of feckless idiots.

          Heads up. If the vast majority of Republican voters are such feckless morons as you seem to believe then your beloved Republican(tm) party was up shit creek anyway, so what’s the damn difference, right?

          • Magoo says:

            I’m fully aware of the way the Republicans have been selling out & don’t support the ‘Republican(tm) party’, I support the only truly conservative candidate that ran – Cruz.

            Voting for a self confessed liberal progressive RINO in Trump, whose liberal policies further reinforce his Democrat tendencies, won’t cure the Republican’s problems – e.g. tranny rights, raise minimum wage, raise taxes for the rich, tariffs on US companies (i.e. raise business tax to 45%), pro compulsory single payer healthcare, pro Planned Parenthood, etc.

            Refusing to listen to Trump’s open & shameless RINO admissions doesn’t change the fact that he is one, & the general election will be between two NY liberals – Donna ‘Tranny’ Trump and Hillary Rotten Clitoris. True conservatives don’t like liberal RINOs so I wouldn’t count on too many of them voting for Trump in the GE. Trump voters remain willfully ignorant of who he is & what he stands for so they have absolutely no idea of who or what they’re voting for – try asking one to have a listen to the man openly admitting his leftism and watch them block their ears and close their eyes.

            Here’s the latest polls, the numbers aren’t improving for Trump since Cruz quit – i.e. no new conservative voters:


  12. KG says:

    Can’t beat Hilary?
    ‘According to Breitbart’s authoritative sources*, Democrat primary turnout in Indiana in 2016 was 628,433, dropping 50.84% from the 2008 turnout, when Hillary last ran there, of 1,278,355. Hillary’s share of that was a 2016 figure of 296,988, down a huge 54.05% from 2008, when she captured 646,282 votes.

    Now compare those dramatic declines in the Democrat vote with the Republican primary history from Indiana. In 2016, the overall Republican turnout in Indiana’s primary was up a whopping 73.35% from 2012, with 1,101,777 votes cast this year as opposed to 635,589 in the earlier primary. Back in 2012, frontrunner Mitt Romney garnered 410,635 votes compared to the total of 587,273 for Donald Trump this year, an increase of 43.02%….’

    Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/05/so_trump_cant_beat_hillary.html#ixzz47rztSfH3