Chickens. Home. Roost.

‘Refugee Child’ Sexually Assaults 10-Year-Old Girl After Liberal Parents House Him
An Eritrean migrant in Sweden, posing as a “child refugee”, has been found guilty of molesting a 10-year-old girl after her family agreed to house him.
He was given just ten hours’ therapy and a fine, and will be allowed to stay in the country.

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“unutterable horseshit”

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Open house

while I wrestle with Apple…..

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‘Comrades: Islamism and the Left

…..Weeks after 9/11, a Melbourne University academic was conceding that, yes, it had been a jolly nasty sort of day, but such a fuss! Smart people like herself understood that bad hamburgers kill more people than terrorists. Always, amid the moral relativism and equivalence, we are the real monsters.
To put it in a nutshell, the left’s response to terror is an aggressive denial borne of a civilizational self-hatred. In the so-called ‘quality press’, a category that most certainly includes our publicly funded ABC, such sentiments are  artfully portrayed — take the ubiquitous Waleed Aly, for example, who reacted to the bomb slaughter at Boston’s marathon by dismissing it as “an irritation” and positing that it was, most likely, the work of white rednecks….’

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Oh, FFS!

This now now “racism” in NZ
The clowns will be burning witches next.

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Apple a-holes:

‘Apple Stole My Music. No, Seriously.’
I came across this while searching for a reason Apple won’t allow me to upgrade my Mac to a more recent operating system. It’s been two nightmarish bloody days, and once I get all my stuff off this thing, it’ll become a Linux Mint box. Bastards.
From the link:
“..For about ten years, I’ve been warning people, “hang onto your media. One day, you won’t buy a movie. You’ll buy the right to watch a movie, and that movie will be served to you. If the companies serving the movie don’t want you to see it, or they want to change something, they will have the power to do so. They can alter history, and they can make you keep paying for things that you formerly could have bought. Information will be a utility rather than a possession. Even information that you yourself have created will require unending, recurring payments just to access.”
‘Silicon Valley Tech Giants Gaining Police Forfeiture Rights’

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Let the fun begin!

It begins,the fur starts flying now-

Palin says “Ryan should be Cantorized”


Trump-“Hillary is a mean,nasty enabler of her husbands affairs”


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A complete inversion of the truth:

33EDA08900000578-3578568-image-a-1_1462633729109 ‘No Muslims on German Soil’: Thousands of right-wing extremists rally outside Berlin train station against city’s influx of refugees ‘
What else should we expect, from the press in a country that has utterly surrendered to the barbarian invaders?
Objecting to having your daughter raped, to having your culture and way of life utterly destroyed, objecting to being forced to pay for the invasion of your own country – now makes you a “right-wing extremist”

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Evening light

pm-light-768x333A recent Gecko pic

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Austria. Sharia “law”.

‘After being beaten and mugged by migrants, a student alleges the Austrian police blamed her “blonde hair and sexy clothing” for the brutal attack.
Police officers reportedly told the woman that to avoid such attacks, which they warned are now a daily fact of life in Vienna, she should stay indoors after 8pm in future, and dye her blonde hair…’

Welcome to your future
Let’s see what feminists have to say about this. And of course, it will be all over the NZ media…….

‘Germany Looks To Prosecute Cologne New Year’s Attacks Whistleblowers’

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