Oh, FFS!

This now now “racism” in NZ
The clowns will be burning witches next.

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16 Responses to Oh, FFS!

  1. Ronbo says:

    Maybe I’m missing something, but what was racist about what the white guy said?

    Yes, New Zealand has a racial problem, but like America, the problem is with racist non-whites who think because they are the most ignorant type of bigots and reactionaries the whites are too.

    Just for the record non-whites – We don’t give a shit about you unless you try to physically assault us.

    Then you have problems…

  2. Fairfacts Media says:

    So let’s get this right again.
    It is now racist to oppose the creation of council wards that can only be filled by members of a certain race!

  3. Barry says:

    All Mike Hosking did was tell the truth in his last paragraph. Judd wanted a part-hori APPOINTED, not elected by voters – THAT’S the racism!

    NZ is now almost destroyed by this kind of ugly racism giving race-based preference to part-horis (and Pacific Islanders) by many years of bad government. I think it now has the worst race relations in the world. The race-relations between NZers and part-horis are now the worst they’ve ever been. And they’re getting worse every day.

  4. mara says:

    The Word “racist” has been used and abused so often and for so long that I doubt that the average Joe has any idea what it really means anymore. Liberals and other idiots use the word to condition their similarly brainwashed followers into perpetual victimisation mode. I watch this situation, from afar, with absolute distain but should not ignore what is happening.

  5. john says:

    The Wairarapa Council has just agreed to have unelected,appointed members with voting rights.
    People should be marching in the streets.

    • KG says:

      8O !!
      But they won’t, will they? Fucking sheep. :evil:
      So, who appoints these racist arseholes?

      • Bo Chandler says:

        Marching isn’t going to change anything. The bureaucrats slash dictators have become accustomed to closing the shutters and turning up the radio until the crowds get tired and go home.

        I think we all know that ballot box and the soap box are of limited use at this late stage.

        • KG says:

          “I think we all know that ballot box and the soap box are of limited use at this late stage.”
          Dead right.

  6. Ronbo says:

    mara said:

    The Word “racist” has been used and abused so often and for so long that I doubt that the average Joe has any idea what it really means anymore. Liberals and other idiots use the word to condition their similarly brainwashed followers into perpetual victimisation mode. I watch this situation, from afar, with absolute distain but should not ignore what is happening.

    It’s like during America’s Second Red Scare of the 1950s (The first was after WW I when the Democrat President Wilson Regime locked up scores of innocent Americans for being “Bolsheviks” and exiled many more to other countries)

    I was a kid then, but we kids soon found out that if an adult caught us doing something wrong – like stealing an apple from the corner mom&pop store – all we had to do to get out the situation was yell at the top of our tiny little voices – “He’s a Communist!”

    Then the shoe was on the other foot and another adult would say something like, “Herbert, I always knew you were a commie bastard, however, I say live and let live, but now you are after the kids – and that’s a bridge too far!”

    The seriousness of charge carried the day then – if charged with being a “commie rat” it was up to you to prove your innocence (and how do you prove a negative?) – and many an actor, professional and businessman lost their careers because they were wrongly charged with being a Communist in 1950s America.

    Today we call that era, “McCarthyism” after the famous Red baiting Senator.

    I submit that what’s happening with the bogus charge of “racist” in our day is just the same as the witch hunt days of 1950s America.

    • KG says:

      “I submit that what’s happening with the bogus charge of “racist” in our day is just the same as the witch hunt days of 1950s America.”
      Yep, sure is.

  7. mara says:

    KG you are correct but we will be dead by then so it will really not matter’