Life imitates art imitating life

We know there are people who have trouble believing that soapie characters aren’t real people, but this takes things to a whole new level.  “The Archers” is a Brit soapie:
Polly Neate, Chief Executive of Women’s Aid:
“Switch off from Archers’ victim Helen and you’re no better than those who ignore domestic abuse in real life” 

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Clouded leopard

Clouded-leopard-671521Rescued as a kitten and the pic shows him being released into the wild. Very cool.

(click on it for a bigger version)

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Love liberty? Boycott Facebook.

‘Exclusive — Immigration Hawks: Facebook Engaging in Deliberate Suppression of Our Content’

It’s worse than you think.
UPDATE: Milo’s take on it.

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Facts vs feelgood suicidal stupidity

The Immigration Minister has warned of the risk to Australian workers by a flood of illiterate and innumerate refugees.

The idiot response to this:

‘Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young has accused Mr Dutton of scaremongering and xenophobia
“Our nation has been built off the back of people who have come to Australia for a better life & make their families safe”
So it was, you microcephalic trougher.
Except…..they were immigrants, not invaders and for the most part they certainly weren’t illiterate and innumerate.

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Well done, bleeding-heart idiots:

‘22% of Resettled Refugees in Minnesota Test Positive for Tuberculosis
…26 percent of all foreign born cases of tuberculosis in Minnesota were from people born in Somalia. Somalians almost exclusively enter the state through the refugee resettlement program.
More than 70,000 refugees have been resettled in the United States annually for the past three decades by the federal government. It’s not just tuberculosis being brought in by these resettled refugees. Measles, whooping cough, diptheria, and other diseases that were on their way to eradication are also coming in across the borders of the United States.
A recent outbreak of measles in Memphis, Tennessee, a center for refugee resettlement, began at a local mosque, as Breitbart News reported previously….’

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Open house


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It’s coming, bet on it:

Via Francis Porretto

And other Western countries will follow.

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Now banned in Norway

1463094856462 Advertisements in public places which show export-grade bodies such as the one in this pic. To protect people who suffer from envy and insecurity.

Rule by the lowest common denominator, yet again.

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Faster, please:

Tensions rise in Germany as refugee invader’s centres targeted by 45 arson attacks in just 5 months
Actively importing the enemy

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When excess is a virtue

A write up from Paul Johnson via The Powerline Blog-


“The U.S. has been inundated with PC inquisitors, and PC poison is spreading worldwide in the Anglo zone.

For these reasons it’s good news that Donald Trump is doing so well in the American political primaries. He is vulgar, abusive, nasty, rude, boorish and outrageous. He is also saying what he thinks and, more important, teaching Americans how to think for themselves again.”

And that is my argument in favor of a Trump presidency,if we wish to cure the nation,we must first kill the disease of political correctness.

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