‘Senator Inhofe Dances On the Climate Change Grave’

A fine article on this HERE

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4 Responses to ‘Senator Inhofe Dances On the Climate Change Grave’

  1. Robertvdl says:

    Why is president obama still determinant to move forward with costly Global Warming regulations that would destroy US economy

    Because he is evil because he is a communist maybe because he’s an evil communist.

    Obama’s America: Progress Is Poison

  2. Robertvdl says:

    SENIOR bureaucrats in the state government’s environment department have routinely stopped publishing scientific papers which challenge the federal government’s claims of sea level rises threatening Australia’s coastline, a former senior public servant said yesterday.
    Mr Lord, who has 35 years experience in coastal engineering, said senior bureaucrats within the then Department of Environment Climate Change and Water had rejected or stopped publication of five peer reviewed papers between late 2009 and September this year.

    It looks like Australia has the same evil communist problem


  3. Sally says:

    Tim Groser, mischief in Durban
    December 8, 2011

    We are being spared any news of Durban climate talks which is a blessing. A repeat of the sickening display we saw at Copenhagen would be too much.

    However our very own Tim Groser is leading a sickening display in Durban all by himself.

    Tim Groser in Durban

    “Having accepted a responsibility target under the Kyoto Protocol CP1 we are on track to meet our commitments and no matter what the outcome here in Durban New Zealand’s mitigation efforts will continue post-2012.” Read on at


    Update just through from Durban

    “Groser might have just got us in a whole lot of trouble because the latest is that the USA has surprisingly agreed to come into an agreement which is a road map towards binding targets. There is a suggestion that Kyoto might be extended because of this which means NZ is in trouble because we will have to pay. This is because our net emissions have already increased to 1990 gross emission level so from 2013 or 2014 as they continue to track upwards we will be facing a deficit which will be increased when offset foresty plantings start.We will have to start buying international units from other countries.”

    “Tim Groser has said he is happy for NZ to meet binding targets as long as other countries try to meet voluntary targets. These binding targets will cost us money, the voluntary targets will cost other countries nothing. The day $1 is paid offshore to meet our Kyoto liability is the day this Government has gone a step too far in this idiocy. Let it be a day they are never forgiven for.”

    What a traitor Groser is!

  4. George says:

    Under whose authority does he make these statements?

    Groser doesn’t speak for himself.

    The whole National caucus should be strung up by the nuts