‘Girl gang who kicked woman in the head while yelling ‘kill the white slag’ freed after judge hears ‘they weren’t used to drinking because they’re Muslims’..’
U.K. Daily Mail
And this
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Meantime that woman who let rip on the tram will be spending Christmas in jail.
Great Britain is a country that has truly lost its way
Not really, they are proceeding along their well-trod path of ‘whitey is always wrong’.
Don’t worry about it. Milt reckons that they’ll drop this Islamic based tribalism type stuff and embrace secular humanism soon enough – then we’ll usher in a new epoch of peace, love, prosperity and justice.
. . . and Pollyanna was very happy about it too
Milt is an urban liberal dickhead.
Emma West gets prosecuted, but not hate-preaching Imams.
I reckon this is nothing more than giving encouragement to females, irrespective of race or religion, to just go ahead and be themselves. Setting legal precedents, by giving them immunity from prosecution for assault and battery just means we can expect to see more of this. I see “eye for eye” being the big winner here!
Nope. Culture most definitely played a part in the sentence these femithugs got.
Do you seriously suggest that a gang of drunk English girls shouting “get the muslim bitch” and ganging up to assault her would get the same sentence?
Not on your life. It’d be a “hate crime”.
Another attack that could have been prevented with a 3″ .38 revolver.
Tell you what, guys, if I’d been the boyfriend of the beaten woman these four Muslim pieces of human excrement would be laid out unconscious (or worse) on the pavement and all lined up in a neat row for the police to come and collect.
The so called ‘justice system’ is sending a clear message that we – the people – need to look after our own interests. They have abandoned us to these immigrant Muslim scum. These Muslim animals have shown they are not part of the human race, and like a rabid dog they need to be put down. And pathetic pandering judges like the above need to be held accountable as well – strung up in the town square for treason would be a good place to start!
And don’t get me started on the Fort Hood massacre [second link] being described as “workplace violence”. Where does one start with this abject apology for Islamic terror committed on American soil?! If Obama isn’t a Muslim I’ll eat my hat.
Andrei over at NZ Conservative has a great post up on this, Kris.
Thanks, KG – although I like my response outlined above better!
And no doubt (like you mentioned over at NZC) while some might label it “vigilantism” we know it is nothing other than citizen initiated self-defense. If the state refuses to protect its citizens then we are left with no other option but to protect ourselves. Lock ‘n load, boys.
Some good news here-
“Woman shoots intruder”-
Buy that lady a beer.
First time she had ever shot the gun too,so much for all that “proper training”horse crap the media and libs always throw up.
Training? I always thought it was just matter of pointing the end with the hole in it at the perp and pulling the triggerthingy….
Works well enough.
The most important training is that which is almost never given–teaching somebody to overcome the normal human reluctance to kill.
The results of proper training-
‘Honour’ violence, clever manipulation of our laws and selective deployment of their own laws. Creeping Sharia, yet again.
Oh, and be sure to read the comments to remind yourself that ignorance and dhimmitude are very much alive and well in 21st Century Australia.
Yegods! The article did no more than state the obvious, verifiable facts yet some of the commenters are determined to look for ways to miss the point and/or deny reality.
No wonder Islam is finding conquest a walkover.
Can you really call it conquest when not only is there no fight, but a knife is put into the enemy’s hand and the west’s plump, juicy throat is willingly offered up for the slicing?
Doesn’t sound much like conquest to me. More like suicide.
And that comments thread makes all the jokes about “cheese-eating surrender monkeys” look a bit sick, doesn’t it? We have our fair share of indoctrinated, pig-ignorant leftbots and pollyannas–and they’re busy giving away a whole civilization, not just a country.