the wheels are falling off this scam:

‘BRISBANE residents yesterday shivered through the city’s coldest December day in 123 years, while Sydney has recorded its iciest start to summer in 51 years…’                    via Andrew Bolt

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2 Responses to the wheels are falling off this scam:

  1. Excuse me KG but unusually cold weather IS evidence of global warming…

    I thought that would be obvious… You must be a denier… I bet you think things like DDT use, innoculations and fluoride in the water is good too… Crazy you nutty right wingers, all of you have been fooled by the Koch brothers and are in the pay of Big Oil, Big Coal, Big Tobacco and the Wall Street banksters.

    Get a real life and join OWS so we can fight the Capitalist pig dogs, oppressive Christians and, um, Ann Coulter and replace it all with a new glorious system man, that we’ll invent after everything collapses…

    *sarcasm ends*

    • Darin says:

      I even hear he’s been out molesting helpless Mango trees and robbing them of they’re only possession,Gaia is in mourning!