‘Holder Unveils Voter Fraud Program

…The Obama administration needs all the votes it can get, given its unpopularity with the American people. The question is, will the administration get those votes by persuading legitimate, eligible voters, or will it try to make up the deficit by enabling the casting of millions of fraudulent votes by Democratic Party activists? At the moment, it looks as though the latter is the Obama administration’s chosen course.
Some may think this assessment is too harsh. Some may say that the Democrats just want everyone under the Sun to vote; that they may be misguided, goofy liberals, but they just want everyone to participate. How do we know that this perspective is false? Because there is, in fact, one constituency whose votes have been systematically excluded in recent years. They are members of the military. And the Obama administration has actively collaborated in suppressing the military vote–even though many members of the military are minorities–because it doesn’t favor Democrats. The Obama administration, in particular its Department of Justice, is hopelessly corrupt…’        source

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3 Responses to ‘Holder Unveils Voter Fraud Program

  1. our military have been marginalized as to the vote for a loooooong time-

    • Darin says:

      Yes Carol they have and it’s an absolute disgrace,but what else should we expect from the party of Stalin?

  2. WAKE UP says:

    It is unbelievable that Eric Holder is still in office.