NZ Herald:
‘More schools get upgraded for broadband
Officials have named another 150 schools that will get a Government subsidy towards ultra-fast broadband.
About 700 schools have already received Government-subsidised network upgrades.
Education Minister Hekia Parata said most schools had registered an interest in the subsidy, and new criteria for selection gave greater priority to those where fibre connection was definitely going ahead.
The revised criteria also placed greater emphasis on schools with high numbers of Maori, Pasifika and special needs students…’
Firstly, when did Pacific Islanders become “Pasifika”? What fucking sandal-wearing bearded pc asshole invented that term?
Second, there’s no such thing as a “government subsidy”–its a TAXPAYER-FUNDED SUBSIDY.
Teachers are busy churning out indoctrinated, uninformed “graduates” who can’t put a sentence together, who can barely express themselves yet they turn up to job interviews at the age of eighteen with a glossy CV as thick as a telephone book.Their teachers have failed to do what they’re paid to do and for the life of me, I can’t see how where teachers, books and pencil and paper failed, a fast internet connection will succeed.
Then again, no doubt teachers will have a ball teleconferencing and printing out items which interest them…….
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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TAXPAYER-FUNDED subsidised network upgrades for ultra-fast broadband has nothing to do with schools but with installing the SMART GRID.
A smart grid is a digitally enabled electrical grid that gathers, distributes, and acts on information about the behavior of all participants (suppliers and consumers) in order to improve the efficiency,importance, reliability, economics, and sustainability of electricity services.
To SPY on you like digital TV
See the new post above, Robert, and read what Remus has to say. Frightening stuff.
Who knows mate. Maybe one of the little shits will find their way here and it will be the spark that ignites their brain to work for itself. That’s gotta be good, right?
hmm…maybe, Gantt. Or maybe they’ll find their way here and join the feral underclass on the Gold Coast….
All bitching aside, it seems to me to be a massive tragedy that teachers have failed so many kids and condemned them to a life of under-achievement.
Oops, silly me I should have been less obtuse. by finding their way here, I meant they might use their fancy new double high speed broadband to find their way to Crusader Rabbit, read a bit, and decide to find out what the word ‘liberty’ means.
Joining the feral underclass in the Gold Coast seems a much more likely outcome, though.
Now, there’s a thought…although the IT Dept of the hospital I worked at in NZ had CrusaderR blocked. Apparently it was too much for their delicate sensibilities. So I imagine schoolteachers would report us as subversive violent porn or something….
Very O/T, but it’s looking increasingly likely the NT may get the first cyclone of the season. We missed out, up on Cape York last year (mostly) so I want to know: Where’s mine??
Heh here our previous governor Ronnie Musgrove proposed a “computer in every classroom” which quickly became “a computer for every student” which was all funded by grants which quickly went away leaving a mess for the taxpayer to cleanup.
When it later became public that the governors brother in law got the contract to supply all the software packages for these computers at a significant markup that along with the govs mis-use of the State jet started the “Musgrove Must go campaign” which saw him ousted and Haley Barbour in his place who by all accounts has been a great governor.
So you see if the cards are played right things work out in the end
Pasifika? Are we talking about the coconut eaters and fat arses that used to eat each other in the past?
That’d be the ones, erikter.
Of course with the “new” education, it might just mean: (a) the opposite of generics, or (b) someone who is opposed to violence, particularly in the Pacific?
These schools don’t need “ultra-fast broadband”. This reminds me of another stupid hand out:
If you can’t afford broadband and want to learn something, go to a fuckin’ library!!! I’d rather not have to pay for people to stream YouTube and porn videos.