‘Christchurch ratepayers struggling to cope in a earthquake-ravaged city have vented their anger over a pay rise of almost $70,000 a year for the city council chief executive.

Tony Marryatt stands to gain an extra $68,129 from the salary increase narrowly approved last week by the council – taking his total salary to $538,529 a year…’

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10 Responses to WHAAAT??

  1. Kris K says:

    Absolutely obscene!!!

    • KG says:

      There’s really no other word for it, is there?
      And I’m so bloody tired of the excuse “we have to offer a competitive salary”. Bullshit. Advertise the same job at half that and watch applicants scramble for it.
      Increasingly, I’m beginning to think this kind of thing is simply a way of channeling money to members of a favoured class. The Bureaucrat Insider’s Club.

      • Kris K says:

        And of course “competitive salaries” should work both ways and reflect the current market forces: They should go up and DOWN.

  2. Richard says:

    And for the performance of the council in obstructing reconstruction? Pay should be cut and staff fired for the bullshit that’s happening there.

  3. KG says:

    Fired? Fired?? That almost never happens to incompetents behind desks. Fired is for peasants.

  4. Cadwallader says:

    The difficult question for this bureau-Rat is: Do you have a city to manage?

    I am out of here for this year. My reading list and fishing gear beckon me. Thanks to the whole lot of you. You can all be utter, yet diverting, pricks at times, (as too can I!)

  5. Robertvdl says:

    Tar and feathers

  6. Robertvdl says:

    And Hit again

    2011-12-23 – 3NEWS – CHRISTCHURCH QUAKE