the face of a coward and a scoundrel:

Holder Cites Race
in Explaining Scrutiny of Justice Department Actions
Attorney general says ‘extreme’ critics attack him to get to Obama since they’re both African-American..’
And this is the man who called for “an honest conversation” about race!!
This piece of smooth excrement has used his race to get where he is, to advance a socialist–if not totalitarian–agenda and to deflect criticism of his actions as A.G. He’s not “African American” so much as Stalinist-American. *spit*

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12 Responses to the face of a coward and a scoundrel:

  1. GW says:

    Rep. Allen West has pointed out, as to AG Holder, that playing the race card is the last act of a scoundrel. Holder is as partisan and as politicized AG as we have ever had in that position. Moreover, he ignores the law when it suits his purpose, in addition to selective enforcement. Holder may be the first AG since the Nixon administration to spend his retirement years at Club Fed. Of particular interest is the fact that he has refused to turn over and of HIS e-mails relating to Fast and Furious, claiming that they are part of an ongoing IG investigation. To his credit, Issa is having none of it. Holder’s only prayer seems to be that the right will forget about him after 2012, when he cleans out his desk. I hope and pray that doesn’t happen. There needs to be a reckoning for this worthless man’s actions.

    And on another important, what you are seeing in America is a quiet revolution. The one good thing that the Obama administration has done is to devalue the race card. For the past four decades, playing the race card was trump – it ended all argument, and the person who it was played on went scurrying for cover. It has been single most distorting aspect of our politics. Indeed, the whole subprime crisis grew out of racial politics, and the left used the race card every time anyone tried to stop the subprime insanity. Now when the race card is played, you here a collective “bullshit” coming from every corner. That would not have happened just four years ago. And for that, I will always credit the Obama administration.

    • WAKE UP says:

      Yep; Obama used that one up real quick. The problem was, too many idiots couldn’t see it for what it was BEFORE he was elected.

  2. Robertvdl says:

    The face and voice of someone with BALLS

    Ann Barnhardt

  3. WAKE UP says:

    Not only that, but as the Himmler to Obama’s Hitler, Holder is probably the most dangerous man in America.

  4. Robertvdl says:

    I suspect that he, like obama, only follows orders from above.

  5. KG says:

    “Frog march the bastard out in cuffs ”