Censorship and propaganda in Norwegian schools

‘Approximately one million Europeans succumbed to or were killed as slaves under Muslim rule in northern Africa, among them 3,000 to 4,000 Norwegians. Is it a mere coincidence that this historical fact is a non-issue in Norwegian schools?..’             source
And every other Western “school”…

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12 Responses to Censorship and propaganda in Norwegian schools

  1. Andrei says:

    Nikm my boy did “Slavery” in year 11 (5th form for out of touch oldies) and you wou;ld swear from what he was taught that the Europeans invented it to develop the Americas.

    No mention of William Wilberforce at all – not a word!

    So I told him that the English were the first people in the world to outlaw slavery and that the Barbary pirates were still taking slaves from Europe to North Africa after it was outlawed in Britain and it was the British Navy who put an end to that horror shortly thereafter.

    I also told him the US marine corps came into existence to deal with the Barbary pirates who were capturing American merchant sailors and taking them into servitude in North Africa.

    I told him to tell his teacher all of this and he did but the teacher was not that interested

  2. KG says:

    “..but the teacher was not that interested.”
    But of course not. That would simply get in the way of indoctrinating young minds, wouldn’t it?
    (assuming, that is, that the teacher him/her self wasn’t pre-progammed. A large assumption these days)

  3. Redbaiter says:

    Yep, this is where the real fight has to take place. In the schools, and removing corrupt academic material like this, sourced from Communist Central Control in Wellington, is where it starts. You think Hekia Parata is the person to do this?

    • Andrei says:

      This displays of course why the family is an anathema to the left and why they have been destroying it – educated fathers can undermine the propaganda machine operant in State Education – it is also why the left opposes charter schools.

      Heaven forbid that ideas and concepts not approved by party central the experts in head office Wellington be taught to kiwi kids.

      They might start thinking for themselves. “Quelle Horreur!”

  4. turn of last century – john dewey and friends met in a coffee shop -discussed and wrote a plan to take over the US schools- they followed through -w/ a long term view- and the likes of saul alinky helped —so-
    now our young cannot adequately read-write – do arithmetic- and – they are NOT BEING TAUGHT TRUE HISTORY—HOWEVER- they are easily led -by overt tyrants…
    Time to get our ed system back—Home education is on the rise….as well—


  5. dondiego says:

    Same in N.Z. No mention of maoris eating the slaves taken on predatory war marches. Similar to Aus- ‘Sorry Day’. Sorry for fixing the place (Redbaiters post of NT stats a few months back, Keith Windschuttle’s speach I found on John Ansell’s blog).

  6. Andrei says:

    Yep New Zealand is really bad.

    Can you guess what my little Tatiana’s major “history topic” this year was? Something she spent nearly three months studying.

    Shall I give you a clue?

    She now knows who John Minto is!

    • KG says:

      Tatiana is one of the lucky ones, Andrei–think of the hordes of kids whose parents either don’t give a damn or can’t evaluate what their kids are being taught.
      It’s a frightening thought.

  7. WAKE UP says:

    SLAVERY 101: The white race was the first to make a concerted effort* to STOP slavery (in which it succeded) , and slavery once again now only exists in non-white cultures, where it ALWAYS DID.

    Thay’s it; one sentence.
    * thanks to to its Judeo-Christian based culture