Elex Murphy, 18, left, was charged with first degree murder after retired teacher Hoang Nguyen, right, was beaten to death as his wife watched in Missouri…..
‘…Punched to the ground, left bruised, brain damaged and sometimes even dead – these are the vulnerable victims of an increasingly popular ‘game’.
‘Knockout King’ is the frightening phenomenon that has claimed lives across the country as teenagers and young adults seek out sick thrills…’ source
Nowhere in any of the articles I’ve read is the central, inescapable fact of this sick phenomenon mentioned–that it’s invariably black brutality against whites and Asians.
When evil cannot be named, it flourishes.
Just wait until one of these low-life scum attack someone with a conceal carry on them. Then you will see Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton show up screaming. Sheila Jackson-Lee and the rest of the idiot Black Caucus will hold hearings and the person who defended his/herself will be imprisoned for life or worse.
I wonder if this is what was going on with the attack across the road from our house. It was in broad daylight, in front of lots of witnesses (who had phoned the police). It just looked like a confrontation, but then the Maori kid punched the other one and walked off laughing towards a group of friends who were watching. It turned out, once we had joined all the dots, that they had been driving around, found a victim, dropped off the attacker, then parked down the street out of sight, then ran up to see the fun. Fortunately the victim just had a bleeding nose, nothing worse. He was only 16.
this is where guns help- phoning the police does NADA-
interceding on behalf of an un armed targeted human is the only way this crap is going to be stopped-
we in the US have the same thing happening—
I agree about the response time of police and the need to have a gun.
I was even more disturbed by this as my son is a bit younger, but actually looks older than the boy who was attacked because of his size (6 foot now and growing still). My husband started teaching both boys to block punches after that incident.
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Black criminal white victim,no hate crime there,no sir.
As to Concealed carry,even if it isn’t legal there is an old saying”better to be tried by twelve than carried by six”
I recommend a S&W six shot revolver with a 3″ barrel in .38spl,small,easy to carry,easy for the ladies,just point at what you want to die and pull the trigger as needed.
Strange, isn’t it that maori are supposedly so proud of their culture, they need so much taxpayer’s money to “preserve and promote it”…yet they slavishly ape all the worst aspects of American black “culture”.
“slavishly”?? “ape”????? You raaaaaaacccciiiiiiiissssssssttt!!!!!!