The academic enablers of maori child abuse:

‘..An Auckland academic says the increasing use of the term “Maori child abuse” is fuelling racism.’
Here’s a plan, you useless clown–how about maori stop bashing, sexually abusing and murdering their kids in numbers far, far greater than other Kiwis, and perhaps then the term “maori child abuse” will die a natural death, instead of having to be covered up by cowardly PC-speak and dribbling academics?
And this I guarantee–if it was Kiwis of European descent abusing their kids in disproportionate numbers, you and your loathsome ilk would have no problem at all with referring to “Pakeha child abuse“, you nausea-inducing opportunist piece of crap.

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21 Responses to The academic enablers of maori child abuse:

  1. Redbaiter says:

    Moon is a screaming Marxist who typifies the kind of dereliction that has befallen “academia” today.

    His opinions are always the default left wing propaganda position, and therefore not “academic”, but just worthless politically partisan garbage.

  2. Darin says:

    An “Academic” says it all right there doesn’t it?Someone who has no useful insight on the real world and how it operates.

  3. KG says:

    I’m not a great fan of academics…..

  4. dondiego says:

    That’s rich, from the man who wrote the book (which I bought for Christmas for myself after release) on traditional cannibalism.
    Must be looking for funding for next year with that sort of denial out loud.

  5. Pingback: The academic swine enablers of maori child abuse: | Cranky Old Crow

  6. KG says:

    ‘..Ngapuhi leader David Rankin hit back at an Auckland academic’s claim the increasing use of the term “Maori child abuse” is fuelling racism.
    Rankin said Maori are a “violent people” and the term accurately reflects what some Maori parents are doing to their children.
    “I am sick of academics trying to sanitise our behaviour,” Rankin said..’

    • dondiego says:

      This Rankin bloke hits the nail on the head! Taking ownership is the ONLY way to address it. We need the likes of him, not a racist seemingly irrelevant Sharples to get stuck in and sort it.

    • Brooding Log Cabin Nutter says:

      Violent cowards, beating up their women and children.

      And what really makes me spit is to see those huge bellied blokes on the news wearing sagging grass skirts and punching one another on the shoulder and calling each other “warrior”. It would be amusing if it wasn’t so pathetic.

      And have you seen their politicians, and aspiring politicians holding forth on their Marae’s? They seem to think wearing a chalk striped suit and brandishing that knobbly stick of theirs gives them gravitas – along with unkempt hair and beard – but they don’t seem to appreciate what a great laugh they give the rest of us and in one particular case I remember, beneath the fierce “warrior” countenance the front of his suit trousers had obviously had to be specially cut to create a bag around the fly to contain the huge rolls of fat in his lower abdomen. That’s the kind of opulence you can only afford sucking on the white tax payers tit and playing them off against the one’s you’re supposed to represent but who seem destined by fate to play a lesser roll in NZ Society.

      “Tipini” O’Regan (and Moon) and the rest of the thieving professional/politico and grievance industry Maori class have a hell of a lot to answer for.

      • KG says:

        I see you hold them in the same esteem I do, BLCN.

        • Brooding Log Cabin Nutter says:

          We agree on a lot of things don’t we KG?

          I wonder if one day we’ll be able/be required to, transform what we believe into action?

          G*D forbid but there doesn’t seem to be any viable alternative.

          • KG says:

            We do, yes.
            If that day comes I just hope to God it happens while I can still do something useful.
            On the next, I’ll shout you breakfast in hell. :smile:

      • Flashman says:

        20-odd years ago these be-suited clowns had to borrow the bus fare to get back from the marae.

        Funny how their most notable achievement was to hook onto the tweety gravy train and so provide the wherewithal to reinvent themselves as high-gravitas “nationally significant personalities with important opinions”.

        Obese empty suits the lot of them.

  7. Katie says:

    What else do you call it other than Maori child abuse.

    • KG says:

      Well, Katie, according to one maori “leader” ( Turiana Turia) it’s “post-colonial stress disorder” causes it. So it’s really whitey’s fault.

    • mawm says:

      Maybe ‘drunken DPB slags and their indolent dope-hazed sperm donors abusing their necessary, but unwanted, provider’. :sad:

      • Brooding Log Cabin Nutter says:

        Succinctly put! :lol:

      • KG says:

        Aaah yes–that pouty teenage stage where mum and dad are a damn nuisance and can I please borrow the car and twenty bucks….coupled, later, with the massive disconnect between the heroes and special people they’ve been taught to think of themselves as – and the squalid reality of their lives.

  8. Flashman says:

    Whenever you hear of academic pc wankers like Paul Moon pontificating, it’s always a good idea to see if you can put their own family and child rearing histories under the microscope. What usually emerges is a most distasteful picture.

    For example, I once attended a [NZ polytech – where else?] “cultural sensitivity” course where the course instructor was punched out of the same mould as Moon Man. This individual was known to be a complete psychological screw-up, living in a dodgy relationship and whose kids were, not surprisingly, feral dysfunctionals.

    I think the likes of Moon Man seek to compensate and externalise their own woeful deficiencies. It’s like therapy for them.

    • KG says:

      “I think the likes of Moon Man seek to compensate and externalise their own woeful deficiencies. It’s like therapy for them.”
      Yep–and bloody expensive therapy it is, too.

  9. WAKE UP says:

    Harking back to Red’s opening comment…

    I’ll bet you that the Herald has screwed this deliberately.

    A study of Paul Moon’s hugely prolific writings (with which I am familiar) shows that he’s anything but rabid Left-wing ;he’s pretty even-handed in fact, usually quite measured, and well-researched — and most importantly, quite fearless about criticising Maori.

    My take is: what Moon is trying to suggest is that calling it “Maori” child abuse is the very thing that’s preventing action, by allowing a debate about labelling to take the place of DOING anything. If it were simply labelled “child abuse” then the bastards couldn’t hide under the “leave us alone, we’re Maori” get-out clause; they’d have to buy in. Interesting point.

    This would have been far too subtle for the Herald, and for bloody Joris de Bres too – inevitably, he’s also put his grubby paw into the mix: