Anti-whaling activist group Sea Shepherd has reported that its scout vessel Brigitte Bardot was struck by a wave that has cracked the hull and severely damaged one of the pontoons on the vessel.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Being a recovering carnivore I’m a bit ambivalent about this because at the same time I completely abhor the “Greens” and their stupid hating of humanity, social engineering ideas and utter smugness.
And on the other hand (the third one?
)I fail to understand what the Japanese like so much about whale meat that they have to send ships to the furthest corners of the world under the most arduous of conditions to massacre these poor harmless creatures in the most bloody and horrific of ways. Why can’t they just go to MacDonalds like everyone else? I’d personally prefer them to eat rabbit food like me though!
Maybe after being chastised so severely during the last war it’s the only way left for them to express their inner Shogun savagery.
I have to agree,both sides in this are idiotic.I can’t stand the SS whiney hippies,but the Japanese are wrong too I believe.We have Japanese fishing boats off the coast here,there is no such thing as “by-catch” on a Japanese boat,they eat everything in the net.
For a laugh riot,checkout South Park’s “Whale whores” episode,the Kamikaze attack on the SS p—ies is priceless
“Being a recovering carnivore…’
Log, a “recovering carnivore” is Oswald Bastable sleeping off the effects of eating half a barbecued wild pig.
Lettuce Warriors don’t qualify.
On a quiet summer’s evening I think I can hear his snoring and farting from my log cabin in the woods!
Let’s hope these terrorists go directly to the bottom of the sea.
Where they can protest first hand at sea trawlers.
Oops, meant the type that trawl the sea floor and do a fair amount of damage scraping up this and that.
They can use their sandals for oars and row back.
the gvreens should be happy that more carbon footprinters are at the bottom of the ocean
Having recently had a look at one of those GPS motorised units that tow your set line out to sea- I got to thinking that it would be easy to make a guided torpedo. No need for explosives- just crack the hull…
One of the things that have turned me against Michael Savage is that he talks against whale hunters in such a manner that I suspect he’s donating money to such ilk. Fie.
I don’t like the business of hunting whales–it’s unnecessary and unnecessarily cruel.
Still less do I like the racket known as Greenpeace and the unlovely specimens who inhabit it.
The whole damn fleet–whalers and Greenpeace boats–could sink tonight and I’d regard that as a good outcome.
For a minute there I thought the above quote read:
What wonderful irony that would have been
I can see the headline: “Brigitte Bardot sunk by whale–no significant loss of life””
Not to be confused with ‘virginal’ Keisha Castle-Hughes who
went down… rode a whaleHmmm…come to think of it, “Brigitte Bardot goes down on whale” does have a certain..err..twisted charm.
You’re not going to torture the metaphor even more by bringing sperm whales into it I hope?
You leave la belle Brigitte out of it KG, she gave Dick Palmer many a thrill in her prime in the 1960’s and besides, she likes cuddly little furry creatures.
“You’re not going to torture the metaphor even more by bringing sperm whales into it I hope?”
Well, no–that wouldn’t be Right.
reminds me of a quote from a Japanese sailor I once heard:
minke: vermin of the sea
Do they know how many one-celled and microscopic creatures they destroyed? MILLIONS! How evil of them.