‘U.S. Mulls Trading Taliban Leader for Peace Talks’
And defeat is what you get when you focus on “nation building” instead of winning – and allow lawyers to dictate the Rules of Engagement.
Billions of dollars, thousands of lives spent…for what? So primitive shit-holes can revert to being primitive shit-holes.
Russia and China are laughing their asses off.
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“Trust building” with evil men who believe the dead paedophile’s command to lie to advance islam?
Build them an office?
‘Keep friends close, enemies closer’ -o.k maybe. But I don’t see how training men sworn to kill you to use new technology against you is a good idea.
(Unless it drags on until a real President comes and Israel can destroy ’em all at one handy location)
I know of an account where all of Israel’s enemies are gathered in one place and subsequently annihilated … but it isn’t Israel who does the deed, and it’s AT LEAST seven years away [but I’m pickin’ not much more than seven years].
No,not the US and not the US Military,this is the WH and the traitor in it doing this
“Trading”? I’m surprised the Muslim-in-chief hasn’t just thrown the gates open. After all, it’s his mates they’ve got in there.
This is horrifying. Nothing this administration does surprises me at this point. Even Kharzi is having a cow over this.
Woops, meant to add as a final sentence: The most dangerous position to occupy in the world today is that of an ally of the United States.