Then let them burn.

‘A FORMER defence chief has declared naval officers would disobey orders from a future Abbott government to turn back asylum-seeker vessels, saying commanders would always put safety ahead of policy.
The Opposition Leader today maintained the controversial policy was the most effective strategy to secure Australia’s borders and prevent mass drowning of asylum seekers.
But Admiral Chris Barrie (ret), who served as Chief of the Defence Force at the time of the Tampa crisis, said government policy could not override international law.
Serving naval personnel have told The Australian they believe their lives and the lives of asylum-seekers would be put at risk if they were obliged to enforce the Coalition policy.
“They’ll see us and they’ll burn their boats,” one officer said….’
Burning the boats and jumping overboard is emotional blackmail writ large. If international law prevents a country from securing its borders, then the law is wrong, otherwise national sovereignty and security are meaningless. What the hell is the difference between being over-run with illegal immigrants from third-world countries hostile to the West, and what the Japanese attempted to do in WW2?

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11 Responses to Then let them burn.

  1. mara says:

    How many illegals would have to be turned around and sunk going home before the lesson was learnt. None. Because it will never happen.

  2. Elijah says:

    …said government policy could not override international law

    The hell???

    It’s just shows the type of people are the ones that advance to the lofty heights of power.

    • KG says:

      Yep, it sure does. One doesn’t get to be senior senior brass without becoming first a bureaucrat, second a politician. Or at least their lapdogs. :evil: (Colin Powell is a fine example of the breed.)

  3. off thread-
    the new world order is here-
    NZ – acquiesced –
    my off-spring told me about this – I said- “it was only a matter of time”-

    • “…policy could not override international law”

      if each individual country cannot stand for its own policies- we are in trouble–international law indeed!
      that is why NZ gave up the Megaload leader-
      and I posted on same AW As — SOPA PIPA –
      NZ should never have acquiesced!
      my take!

  4. kowtow says:

    Reminds me again of the novel Camp of the Saints.I read it in the ’70’s and it is now coming true. I also think of the footage of the fences the Spanish have at one of their enclaves in North Africa. Every now and again they literally swarm over them.

    • KG says:

      I read the book, Kowtow. It’s difficult to see how can not come true, given current policies and the loss of confidence and will on the part of Western countries.

  5. WAKE UP says:

    “government policy could not override international law”

    hmmm, I wonder if Iran knows that..