Online Campaign Launched To Close Tent Embassy

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3 Responses to Online Campaign Launched To Close Tent Embassy

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Small point of order, KG. It isn’t an ’embassy’. That is a structure a nation puts in place inside another nation, ostensibly to facilitate trade between the two nations. That monstrosity in Canberra is a pack of freedom-campers who have long outstayed their welcome.

    • KG says:

      True, Gantt. The damn thing has been there for about 40 years, too. The fact that it has been allowed for so long is a monument to political cowardice and double standards.

  2. kowtow says:

    I love the way the MSM go along with the self styling that these bludgers and wasters have ie tent embassy or occupy etc.

    They often use the term “so called” when it comes to the evil warlord GW Bushs’ war on terror.This is code for “we don’t go along with this” and displays a subtle bias that of course “news” organisations are not meant to display. Al Jazeera are one of the main offenders,surprise.

    So it should be the “so called tent embassy” or the “so called Occupy movement”.

    The dumb arse TV3 woman who first said Abbot “inflamed” the incident was a bit more subdued about it last night. Not that they will ever change their base line of black man good white man bad.Hopeless.