“We have no rights as such are properly understood”

Francis Porretto:
‘..Now that a “compelling government interest” can be asserted to override any claim of rights, it becomes quite clear that freedom — of any variety, not just religious freedom — no longer exists in these United States. We have no rights as such are properly understood; we only have permissions, or perhaps the temporary forbearance of a Leviathan that hasn’t gotten around to shackling us yet…’

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2 Responses to “We have no rights as such are properly understood”

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    I’m currently reading ‘A Nation of Sheep’ by Judge Andrew Napolitano. I disagree with the Judge on a whole bunch of issues (notably Bradley Manning), but his book – from the Bush era – is all about the loss of our freedoms and privacy.

    According to the Judge the assault on Constitutional freedoms started almost before the ink was dry – he calls Lincoln the perverter – and had (at that time) ramped up exponentially since 9/11. And, of course, The Emperor Hussein has tightened the noose even further.

  2. Just read that James Cameron has purchased a farm in NZ–
    Is property less expensive in NZ than in LA -CA–
    Perhaps I should move…what do you think?
    Is there more freedom in NZ – keep ones’ property (money etc.)?

    and-it looks like the libs in the US want to declare sugar a toxin-so-I’ll be stocking up…

    Looking for a free country–