New Zealand’s main export:

‘Off-to-Oz exodus at 11-year high
New Zealand recorded its biggest-ever net loss of migrants to Australia in 2011, underlining the appeal of life across the Tasman, where wages are higher, jobs more plentiful and living standards are superior…’

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25 Responses to New Zealand’s main export:

  1. erikter says:

    And the useless, spineless Key does fuck all!

  2. kowtow says:

    I read your link from the Herald and thought,hang on this is different to the one on Bernard Hickeys’blog.
    A paragraph there states “There were real net gains of migrants from most other countries,led by the UK (5500), India(4900) and China (4700)in the December 2011 year”.

    So the herald doesn’t want you to know that immigrants from China and India outnumber the NZ traditional source of immigrants by 2 to 1.

    This country’s demographic is changing rapidly,as so many go to Oz to be replaced by God knows who.As one of the commenters at hickeys said ,just look at central auckland.

    • KG says:

      Thanks for that link, Kowtow. Very interesting. Perhaps it’s a long-term plan to replace Kiwi workers with cheap third-world labour? That sounds paranoid, but these days paranoia is just another name for prescience.

      • kowtow says:

        I don’t think it’s paranoia and while I don’t believe in conspiracy theories ,conspiracies do exist.
        I do believe though that our politicians are controlled to an extent by bureaucrats (Yes minister type scenario)
        They are shit scared of the media( when they should believe in the electorate)
        They don’t have the balls to stand up for NZ anymore and are in thrall in varying degrees to “progressive “thinking.
        These and many other issues like “growth”, the property market,human rights issues, fear of domestic and international criticism means that nothing will change except the NZ demographic,the browning of NZ.
        Problem is no one has asked “the People”.

    • octagongrappler says:


      Time and time again the media say there is no asian invasion as British migrants are our biggest number but yet you are correct put the numbers together and it tells a different story.

  3. octagongrappler says:

    I see this as a chance to bring in millions of third world migrants, to harness the power of cultural diversity :mrgreen:

    Immigration is a ponzi scheme used by the govt to earn billions a year for universities while shutting out locals and giving residence to foreign graduates!!

    Also immigration is used to keep Auckland pyramid housing market afloat.

    • KG says:

      Channeling your inner Spoonley there, Grapples? :lol:
      “Also immigration is used to keep Auckland pyramid housing market afloat.”
      That’s certainly true.

      • octagongrappler says:

        The Education system is the biggest rip off sham outside of Housing. Government loans and study for residence distort the value. House prices go up and tertiary tuition goes up?? because the Govt and the banks give free money to finance it.

        Why cant the “critical thinkers” at University who preach to business about being smarter and effecient become more effecient themselves?? They have become a gravy train with no accountability.

        Funny during these tough times Plasma TV’s and ipads reduce in price. :|

  4. octagongrappler says:

    just for you KG :twisted:

    enjoy!!! Im enjoying a glass of Margaret river syrah with the sevens on TV, but after reading this I need a whole bottle..

  5. kowtow says:

    I gave up listening to him years ago ,rugby insights are one thing,but jeez this guy is seriously wacky left.

  6. Flashman says:

    The emigration surge to Australia is becoming noticeable at street level in NZ. Skilled artisans are harder to find and there’s a distinct lumping at the top end of the late middle aged, pensioners and at the bottom end, of hoodie yobs and welfare “family” units. The group that’s getting very thin on the ground are the 30-40 somethings.

    You see it too when looking for NZ entrepreneurs: lot of home-hobby businesses [the archetypal Trademe wheeler dealers, bacon sandwiches at the flea market, “artists” and cloth nappy makers] and economically harrowed Think Small mum ‘n dad retailers, but hard core high value business drivers – these have almost gone.

    That’s the result of over a decade of tax and spend “social investment”. They were indeed locust years.

  7. WAKE UP says:

    I think Auckland is going to end up like Detroit.

  8. WAKE UP says:

    TVNZ “news” did a piece on immigration recently – the only person they interviewed was Spoonley !

  9. KG says:

    NZ is undeniably on a downward spiral and there is no party, no politician in view which has the integrity and vision to reverse it.
    Of course, the leftards infesting the “public service” will sneer and deny that, and smear those who lament the passing of New Zealand as reactionary fossils, but the evidence outside the parasite’s bubble is undeniable.

    • Anonymous says:

      I hate how correct you are. It is no consolation that I will look back, from the safety of a white town in Aus in 20 years and say “Yeah, I was in N.Z back in the ’80s and ’90s, when it was the best it ever got”.

      The inevitable implosion is coming soon- just a case of when, and how many real people get hurt.

      • octagongrappler says:

        I grew up in Auckland in the 80s and as an adult in the 90s and today I feel the same about the old Auckland.

        Here is a scenario for the future. White flight from Auckland to other kiwi cities and rural NZ, Auckland becomes a third world whole full of migrants and criminals. Rural towns in NZ become like the old Auckland with high living standards and community spirit.

        But when that happens all of Aucklands population and new migrants will want to move to these new prosporous towns and cities, And a future spoonley will say how good migration to these new towns will bring diversity dividend.

        Only our culture seems to be capable of creating decent places to live.

  10. mara says:

    KG “The day China turns the screws on NZ to protect their “people” is the day Kiwis will finally wake up.” Yes, but by then it will be far too late to reverse or even halt. I don’t see Auckland ever being another Detroit however. It will become the populous hub of New China in every important matter; in financial control of the rest of the country. And the Maoris think they are badly done by now! Ho Ho! In perhaps as little as 40 years, viewers will watch the History channel to clearly observe how and when NZ, in its naivety, thought it could play with the “big guys” and win.