‘Eric Holder and his department have lied to Congress’


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8 Responses to ‘Eric Holder and his department have lied to Congress’

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Here is PJ Media’s comprehensive frisking of Erich Von Holder’s web of lies.

  2. KG says:

    But bloggers aren’t journalists, according to the courts, Gannt….

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      No we’re not. That’s why we’re not bound by their speech codes, or their predilection for fairness and impartiality, eh? :shock:

  3. Darin says:

    Interesting point in the last line of that article,Scooter Libby basically went to jail because he forgot the contents of an over lunch conversation he had briefly four years prior.
    Holder is head of an organization that allowed,promoted and paid for US and Mexican law to be openly violated resulting in the deaths we know for certain at least 1 USBP agent and over 300 Mexican officers along with God knows how many civilians and he says he’s blameless? :evil:

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    Pity the US of A public that are being so poorly serviced by their mainstream media that they have no information to adequately discuss this issue. I must be an ignorant slave to dispute the Obama administration’s spin that there is nothing to see here and I can move on.

    I am ashamed to tell anyone I am an American solely because of the sickening groveling the MSM have given to re-electing this POS.

    The worst is the treatment of the border patrol agent’s family that they have had to sue the gov’t for compensation for his murder.

    • Darin says:

      “The worst is the treatment of the border patrol agent’s family that they have had to sue the gov’t for compensation for his murder.”

      That’s not the worst of it,the worst is the lawsuit will be thrown out,federal law enforcement agents and agencies are immune to litigation.

  5. KG says:

    “I am ashamed to tell anyone I am an American solely because of the sickening groveling the MSM have given to re-electing this POS.”
    Don’t be, Michael–I reckon we know the difference between real Americans and the MSM and a corrupt Administration.