Open house

and to kick off:
‘Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told the Marine Corps on Friday to re-investigate and take appropriate action against the Marine snipers who posed with a logo resembling a notorious Nazi symbol…’
Eff off. All this means is that somebody wants a scapegoat. We support Israel and detest anti-Semitism and I for one refuse to believe that a bunch of Marines would knowingly use an SS symbol. Stupid, yes. Malicious, no. The  “Jewish leaders” demanding action need to take a good hard look at whose agenda they’re serving here. Maybe they’d have more credibility if the majority of them didn’t support Obama and his gang…

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63 Responses to Open house

  1. Andrei says:

    Puke alert from the department of Oh FFS

    John and Furnish are getting support from a counsellor because they fear Zachary will fall victim to prejudice.

    “I think he’s going to have a lot of attention thrust upon him. He’s going to be potentially doubly stigmatised, because one of his parents is extremely famous and because he comes from two dads,” Furnish told UK magazine Attitude.

    “We’ve taken advice from counsellors. We’ve put a whole scrapbook together about his creation, the people who were involved in the process and how the intent was about love. We’re going to raise him to be proud of who he is.”

    Money and the power of political correctness prevents anybody from calling this what it really is.

    You know their are huge fusses made about GM onions etc but tinker with the essence of humanity itself and you can hear a pin drop.

  2. Moneo says:

    A question I thought I’d ask: I’m seriously looking at moving to Australia in the next year. I’d like somewhere with a decent section that can sustain itself relatively well – water obviously is an issue. Anyone got any advice about the best parts of Oz?

    • KG says:

      Depends, Moneo if you want to be near the sea or not. Out West from us (around Richmond and Hughenden, Queensland ) there are large areas of land at very low prices. A friend of ours who works out West told us last week of land at $1 an acre. We’re going out for a look in a couple of weeks.
      As for water, the locals cope just fine.
      It’s pretty straighforward–the closer to the coast, the more expensive the land.

  3. KG says:

    And water’s not a big issue here–it’ll either be too much or not enough wherever you go. :mrgreen:

  4. KG says:

    Really, it’s an impossible question. Does heat bother you? Do you want a fairly urban environment? Will you need to find work? Do you want to buy a house and section or land only and put/build a house on it?

  5. I am shocked to see a muslim has been charged with plotting to kill Obama.
    I thought the threat came from racist rednecks and former servicemen?
    The Obama regime certainly knows what it is doing , eh!

    • KG says:

      No worries, Fairfacts–by next week the MSM will have ‘proved’ that the Uzbek is in fact a white Presbyterian ex-82nd Airborne stooge…

  6. KG says:

    This is brilliant stuff–and given the state of Britain today, who’s to say it’s satire? (mind you, it could do with subtitles. But be patient, it’s worth the effort)
    ‘‪Doreen’s Story‬’

    • Yes, I thought it was hilarious too.
      After reading Cactus Kate and the NZ Herald, perhaps we need a kiwi version.
      But have any of the sheeple here got the balls to make one?
      And would they be accused of racism if the mockumentary featured a Maori family?

  7. The Gantt Guy says:


    24 1-6 year-olds, plus their keepers
    2 miniature ponies
    24,975 grams of sugar
    1 sore finger (piñata accident)
    2 very,very good friends (1 caterer, 1 face-painter)
    2 exhausted parents

    1 very happy Miss Six

    Next party? 21st!

    • KG says:

      :shock: :shock:
      “24 1-6 year-olds, plus their keepers”
      You just described how I imagine hell is organised!

      • Andrei says:

        No – hard work yes, hell it is not.

        A 6 year old’s eyes glistening in delight is a joy to behold

      • Diamond Mair says:

        Naah, the 4-6 year olds you can communicate with – GG was just in Purgatory – HELL is a bunch {more than 2} 2-3 year olds, then ANY number of Tweens or Teens, up to ~ age 24 ………………………………….. :smile: :roll:

        Semper Fi’

    • mawm says:

      Next party? 21st! :lol: :lol: :lol:

      Hmmm…….. Preball – 21 highly precocoius, hormone-controlled, fasionista 15 year-old girls; 21 hormone-ravaged, gawky, drunk boys; 42 smug, overweight, ‘rich’ pricks and their pretzel wives; a few canapes and plenty alcohol…..

      ……or – ‘dad can I have just a few friends around’ … x many occasionions – 15 or so to start, number continually climbing, many greetings of ‘hey’ from yet another 17 y/o with a case of Carona under his arm, music getting louder all the time, drunken yeeowling in the street, boomer exhausts, all gone at midnight…to ‘Town’: return at 0400, etc………….plenty apologies to neighbours, litter in the street, pavement-pizza all over the place, etc……

      I feel you future pain! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

      • Darin says:

        4 nephews aged 9 to 19,stopped by for 10 minutes,left house now totally devoid of anything resembling food or drink.It’s as if a Tornado like swarm of Locusts came through and was gone twice as fast :shock:

  8. kowtow says:

    Leon says “reinvestigate and take appropriate action….”
    Sounds like he learned a thing or two about show trials. In any event thsoe prejudicial words will ensure that when some one is “appropriately” found guilty they will have good grounds for appeal.
    I find it extraordinary the intense media scrutiny that the armed forces are under in that ridiculous war and the lack of support from the politicals who put these young men in harms way.

  9. KG says:

    “hard work yes, hell it is not.”
    For me, it most definitely would be.

  10. KG says:

    “In any event those prejudicial words will ensure that when some one is “appropriately” found guilty they will have good grounds for appeal.”
    I hope so, Kowtow. The clear implication is that he expects the Marine Corps to find them guilty, despite the fact that a previous investigation found otherwise.
    His words are disgraceful. But then, this Administration is a disgrace from top to bottom.

    • Diamond Mair says:

      It’s yet another slam on the USMC – I mean, Marines just have to be about the biggest burr under Øbama’s saddle – they do more before 0700 than he’s done in over 3 YEARS ……………………………..

      Semper Fi’

  11. mawm says:

    Let’s say you’re Israel. What would you say if the United States promptly proceeded to broadcast your military plans to the rest of the world?

    Two little words come to mind. And neither of them is “thanks.”

    Obama and his lap-dog, Panetta, doing their best to f*ck Israel over.

    Only one consideration did not: the safety and security of America’s strongest ally in the Middle East. That was a minor matter for Obama and his cronies. After all, when you’re president of the world, what does a few hundred thousand Jews matter here or there.

    I reckon Israel will have to strike sooner rather than later now………and expect no support from Obama.

    • KG says:

      Just the latest, Mawm. The bastards already gave a load of vital information about the Brit’s Trident codes to Russia, and they did their best to cut off military supplies to Israel via Britain too.
      How much longer can the media continue to cover for this bunch of traitorous assholes?

      • Andrei says:

        I thought that Jimmy Carter was the wort president in my lifetime – but he was just stupid

        Obama is something much worse – I think he is actually evil

        • KG says:

          Yes indeed, although “evil” isn’t a very fashionable word nowadays. But no other word fits, does it?

        • mawm says:

          Uh, I don’t know. I still think he is nothing but a very “shallow” frontman that has been carefully groomed while in the backrooms Jarrett and Co, the real “evil”, are the ones making all the decisions. Effing bunch of Marxists who are making the most of the opportunity offered to them by the left-wing press and their stupid, unthinking acolytes that occupy the Universities and Hollywood. This is a lesson America must never forget! :evil:

  12. KG says:

    Take a look at the ignorant useful idiots the left is hiring to “protest”:

  13. KG says:

    It’s a nice historical irony that Israel has invested in a fleet of ultra-stealthy German subs. :grin:
    Even in the shallow water they have to operate in, armed with nukes they’ll be a pretty good deterrent.
    My feeling is that since Israel lacks bunker-busters, they’ll find more creative ways to neutralize Iran.

    • mawm says:

      A tactical nuke. :shock:

      • KG says:

        An EMP burst over Tehran would work wonders….

      • mawm says:

        World opinion would be a problem no matter what they do. :roll:
        I think the continued assassination of the heads of the military and their nuclear scientists should be extended to the clergy. Add in a few more Stuxnets. Better still, Teheran is blaming Obama for them. :mrgreen:

        • KG says:

          I’ve argued for years that the way to deal with islamists is targeted assassinations. Don’t see why it wouldn’t work on the Iranian regime.
          Perhaps the odd “rogue drone” or five…

  14. medusa says:

    Agree Wabbit, my edea of hell too, must confess Gantt lives on a different planet to us, although Iwe had 4 kids, Mac’D’s was heaven on the b’days (3 under five) , the kids loved it, Mac’D’s did everything, cleaned up and we went home and put the kids to bed…. Heaven in my book ( Will confess to one party at home with fairy and clown, after that, Mac’D’s came into its own for us :mrgreen:)

  15. medusa says:


    • KG says:

      :smile: Thank heavens for that–I thought I was the only one, Medusa.
      Actually, I just can’t stand very young children. The sound of them is like nails on a blackboard to me and the loud squeals they emit (and that seems to me to be a fairly recent thing) at the drop of a hat are just infuriating.
      So I just quietly avoid ’em where I can and say nothing.

  16. Why do our BEST continue to volunteer-this govt is not watching their backs-
    and the PC crap is getting them killed-the RoEs come quickly to mind-
    I have posted on many issues such as are in this post—

    • KG says:

      That’s a genuine mystery, Carol. The ones I’d like to see held to account for their unprincipled behaviour are the senior brass. They’re as guilty as anybody, for failing to stand up for their men.

  17. kowtow says:

    Came across this link on Bolts blog today.
    It’s a documentary from Channel 4 in the UK I presume. Dated 2007. It’s excellent.Why this is not shown in school I don’t know (well actually I do)

    The Great Global Warming Swindle. One hour and 13 mins,well worth it.

    • KG says:

      Ah yes! I’ve seen it Kowtow. There’s no way in hell schools will show that. Their mission is to indoctrinate, not educate.

  18. KG says:

    One for Andrei:
    The other EU

    “..While the Western media is filled with news of the European Union’s woes, they are strangely silent about another EU—the Eurasian Union, which bridges Eastern Europe and the formidable Central Asian and Asian tiger economies.”

  19. KG says:

    I smell a rat….
    ‘Why white men are more attracted to women with Asian faces: Humans are hardwired to fancy other races’

    Wabbit thinks they’re hardwired in the opposite direction, and for very good evolutionary reasons.

  20. Octagongrappler says:

    Im actually a practicer of Interacial evolution. Im of anglo/celtic extraction and have dated a few swedish women in my time :mrgreen:

  21. Octagongrappler says:
    • KG says:

      Oh yeah, I read that earlier today. :evil: It was good to see the commonsense displayed by the Indian and Chinese spokesmen. :smile: I bet the white lefty multicultis are spitting about that.
      (And I note the effing mooslim spokesman was speaking from Saudi Arabia!)

      • Octagongrappler says:

        Yes I saw that from the chinese/indian groups and well done to them. The article was about cultural rights , which was code for sharia and Im certain that islamic societies are behind it all.

        Still the spooner in that article a few weeks back seemed to support this idea.

  22. mawm says:

    KG – We support Israel and detest anti-Semitism and I for one refuse to believe that a bunch of Marines would knowingly use an SS symbol.

    I came across this at AWD……..

    The SS symbol for our Scout Sniper Platoons is nothing new. In 1992, this was an issue when our unit deployed to Okinawa after Desert Storm. An appointed officer was sent to our platoon to conduct interviews, take pictures of tattoos, and question the instructor staff of both the Quantico Course and Camp Pendleton Courses. Even after the inspection, the symbol of SS was displayed to represent exactly what it stood for – Scout Sniper. Infantry Commanders have been aware of this symbol for quite some time; it is nothing new-except for with the liberal media and their interpretation of it. This is part of the piling-on and the distaste our current administration and mainstream media have for our troops.

  23. Andrei says:

    It’s good to see our Prime Minister remains focused on the important stuff

      • Andrei says:

        I reckon instead of being pussys and parading in Auckland they should do it in Belgrade.

        Gay activists from all over went there to do their parade thing because there hadn’t been one there before and the EU thought it might be a good thing to have one so the Serbs could show how well they are integrating into modern European culture.

        It received a extremely warm welcome from the locals

        Apparently Serbia is not quite ready for EU membership yet.

        • KG says:

          Apparently some people still have enough spine to defend what they believe in.
          Great video!

        • Kris K says:

          Which just goes to show what a mincing soft-c*ck we have for a PM – I’m surprised he wasn’t wearing a pink dress like his tranny mates. Liberal politicians really are prostitutes in EVERY sense of the word! Traitors to everything that is decent, honest and true.