Francis W. Porretto on Romney:

‘..The former one-term governor of Massachusetts has acted consistently as if he regards the presidency as his by right, and therefore that no tactic by which he might get closer to it is inadmissible. Speak not to your Curmudgeon of Romney’s supposedly stainless character or his unblemished fidelity to his wife; say rather why his slurs and slanders against his competitors should not be held against him. He clearly has no respect for Ronald Reagan’s Eleventh Commandment. Add that to his record in power, his unwillingness to admit that Romneycare was a terrible mistake, and his complete lack of any hard and fast principle he’s willing to defend a outrance, and he appears to your Curmudgeon to be the worst possible Republican nominee. Yet many commentators continue to style him “inevitable,” though their reasons are scattered and open to serious dispute…’                 source

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10 Responses to Francis W. Porretto on Romney:

  1. mawm says:

    Romney has obviously already been told that he’ll be the choice. The RNC are not beyond a bit of vote rigging (as already seen) or getting rid of good candidates that they don’t want by working with the liberal media.

    The American Presidential selection process is a mess. Having more money than the others, which seems to me to be about the most important characteristic needed, does not translate into being a good president! The Republicans also need to move away from such divisive issues as abortion and concentrate on fiscal conservatism and small government which are the real issues.

  2. KG says:

    “Romney has obviously already been told that he’ll be the choice. The RNC are not beyond a bit of vote rigging (as already seen) or getting rid of good candidates that they don’t want by working with the liberal media.”

    You betcha. He’s the Anointed One for the stealth liberals running the party. No wonder they never take on the media, despite the anger among conservatives about the MSM’s lies and spin. Gingrich’s standing ovation when he attacked the media demonstrated that anger very well, and if the Repub elite were serious about cleaning up Washington they’d have jumped on that train and pushed it for all it was worth.
    But nothing. Crickets chirping….

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Newt got an ovation? Don’t remember reading about that on MSLSD, or NY Slimes, or Washington Compost, or Communist News Network.

      You must’ve dreamed it, KG, or been fed it by those gun-toting, racist Tea Party types! :roll:

  3. mawm says:

    Santorum’s recent 3 state victory has to be a protest vote by the rank and vile against Romney. What amazes me is the number of conservative commentators coming out in favour of Romney. The latest is Coulter.

    OTOH it is not very easy to get excited by his opposition……..I suppose I’d go for Newt over Paul and Santorum.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      “rank and vile”? You’re not a member of the Republican “Establishment” are you, mawm? :lol:

      If you’re looking for a commentator discussing Romney in a way that doesn’t involve pompoms, short skirts and putting out behind the bike sheds, have a listen to Mark Levin. A few highlights:

      (1) If Romney wins the nomination, it will be the first time in history the Presidential race will be run by two candidates, neither of whom want to discuss their record.
      (2) What is the abiding reason to vote for Romney? His entire campaign has been based on vilifying his opponents. He spent millions attacking Newt. He’s now spending millions attacking Santorum. All he has is negative.
      (3) He ran against Ted Kennedy and outflanked him on the Left. Now he’s trying to outflank Gingrich and Santorum on the Right. In 1994 he ran as a Progressive Independent. He’s not a Conservative, and that’s why the rank and vile hate him.

  4. KG says:

    At the end of the day I doubt it’ll make much difference who is chosen, even if they win the Presidency.
    And winning it is looking less likely than ever right now.

    • mawm says:

      Well the Republican Party have only themselves to blame. They have farted around for the last 3 years without one serious attempt at either proving Obama is not eligible to be POTUS or to nail him for any of his illegal acts/breach of the Constitution.

      • KG says:

        Because he’s one of theirs, in the sense that none of them want politicians to be held accountable by the electorate.
        That’d restore them to their rightful place as servants of the people and neither side wants that.
        It really is Washington Elites Vs The People.