‘Sun Causes Climate Change Shock’

James Delingpole
Read it, and find out how a Danish scientist has the entire global warming industry in a state of panic and denial. At this rate, the bastards are going to have to rediscover that now uncommon commodity: Integrity. (That’s if the media fails to cover up the latest blow to the Great Scam….)
Update: ‘The great jellyfish scare goes bung, too’

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12 Responses to ‘Sun Causes Climate Change Shock’

  1. Flashman says:

    Climate is the dependent variable.

    Its counterpart independent variables are The Sun [a constant], asteroid strikes [every 65 million years or so] and volcanic activity [random and of low system effect].

    A stealth tax on a component of fresh air has no objective connection to climate. Isn’t that right Dr Nick Smith?

  2. Cadwallader says:

    Yes, but sadly the agendae of politicians in their quest to tax us into impotence won’t stop in the face of fair mindedness logic, and rational science. Carl Sagan defined science as the “skeptical interrogation of the universe.” That maxim hasn’t been applied to the so-called scientists in the climate scam.

  3. oswald bastable says:

    Who would have thought that a ball of fusing hydrogen 1,390,000 km across could affect us here! :roll:

  4. nigel201065 says:

    Quick tax the sun

  5. Tom says:

    I can see it now ……….A new solar tax.

  6. Tom says:

    Sorry Nigel201065, Didnt see your comment.

  7. KG says:

    Don’t give the bastards ideas, you two! :roll:

  8. KG says:

    The last two lines of that Andrew Bolt article (linked to in the update) are something that needs answering:
    “..When are we getting a proper explanation for having had so many scientists feed the great global warming scare? How can it be that every claim I know of that’s proved false has been on the alarmist side?”

  9. KG says:

    “..so many scientists feed the great global warming scare..”
    Easy..the great global warming scare has fed so many scientists. :grin:

  10. MK says:

    When the alarmists figure out a way to tax us for sun light, they’ll be more than happy to accept that as the reasoning for global warming, farting, crime, war, cancer etc.