U.N. The real agenda

a radical new global green economy
…    •    a means to “reorient public and private decision-making” to make the world’s poorest people the new economy’s “main beneficiaries,”;
•    a method of also reorienting national decision-making in countries around the world to put the new agenda “at the heart of national ministries,”
The whole thing reads like your worst nightmare.

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11 Responses to U.N. The real agenda

  1. oswald bastable says:

    All while the most corrupt scum on the planet cream off the top… :evil:

  2. KG says:

    And it’s not good enough to say we elect politicians to govern, and should therefore accept what they do in our name. Not one of the bastards has ever run on a platform which stated that they support the U.N. interfering in national sovereignty and our lives.
    It’s the great unanswered question which the leftist assholes of the media have never addressed.

  3. Andrei says:

    The United Nations grew from the victors of WW2 who used the term to describe themselves – thus during the battle of Berlin for example the United Nations meant USA, USSR, France, England, Canada etc and was more commonly used than “the Allies” which is what we hear more commonly today.

    It was set up in its present form by Alger Hiss, a liberal one world government type if there ever was one and who almost certainly betrayed the West at Yalta in 1945 by feeding Stalin info that strengthened his negotiating position.

    Nixon eventually nailed him and though proof of his treachery was never definitively proved his dodgy connections and behaviour was and he was eventually convicted of perjury and jailed. (Actually it may have been shown to be so in the Soviet archives but given that such proof discredits FDR, and the UN itself by implication it would never be published in the NYT or any western media)

    Which is why he is not listed as a Secretary General of the UN even though he was the first one.

    It is also when the left began to loath Nixon and do so to this very day

    Just a little history to wile away a cold, wet Saturday afternoon where I am.

  4. Flashman says:

    Let’s not forget that Klarkula has her shoulder to this unsavoury wheel.

  5. KG says:


  6. MK says:

    The time to start starving those parasites at the UN is long gone.

    To be frank, i have a feeling that we do get some benefit from being part of this UN, however i think our politicians need to start outlining this benefit. We are all strapped for cash so i feel we all need to start evaluating our various expenses.