(Thanks Mike for this)
Update: For an example of how islam has infiltrated even the justice system, go take a look at this post by Andrei.
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Put your coffee cup down, well best you move it right out of harms way before reading this.
“This president has gone so far at appeasing radical Islamists that he is failing in his duty as commander in chief,” Gingrich said while campaigning in Spokane, Wash.
Not the only thing that Gingrich is right about.
There’s about 30 minutes of recorded material from the trial on Jihad Watch.
In respect of the koran burning and the subsequent mayhem, they simply prove that Islam is the Religion of Perpetual Outrage.
‘The sharia court of Pennsylvania’:
‘..But one’s “attitude toward Muslims” is irrelevant to one’s right in America to walk the streets and express opinions people may find offensive without being physically attacked and intimidated. And the fact that sharia governments kill people over such expressions of opinion means that they are barbaric, not that we should tolerate additional constraints on our (diminishing) liberties. Contrary to Judge Martin’s view — a view that is becoming increasingly and disturbingly common among top administration officials, some members of Congress, and the military brass — sharia does not set the “bounds on First Amendment rights.”
Speigel reporting the koran burning is scaring the German army .The other thing in that story worth following is how the C IN C will hold the alleged burner “accountable”.
The end is in sight – NATO is a joke
It sure is–I see Turkey just vetoed NATO sharing intelligence with Israel!
I reckon Turkey never had a true place in NATO other than as an attack point for NATO on Russias’ southern flank.Turkey was steadfastly neutral in WW2 and has never been a true friend of the west.I’m prepared to concede that the military and secular classes there could have a “western” outlook, but they are vastly outnumbered by the 10’s of millions of “Anatolian Peasants” that make up the bulk of the country.
Greece and Turkey are natural enemies and never sat easily as neighbouring “allies”.Turkey illegally occupies northern Cyprus in contravention of all sorts of international agreements and the EU.Yet EU leaders want turkey to join!
Thank goodness for the AK party ,it’s forcing the west to wake up to Islam in “secular” Turkey.
An American soldier Kabul 22/2/12
God help us.
Can we have a revolution yet?
I see that so-called “judge” doesn’t even have a law degree. (Which is very apparent when you read the transcript.) This decision cannot stand and the bastard needs to be sacked.
“I’m sorry” the words that leftist liberals use to release themselves from responsibility.
I thought 600,000 white Americans being killed in the Civil War was enough,but I guess not.
I thought Bush pledging $25billion to fight AIDS in Africa was enough,but I guess not.
I thought deeds out weighed words,but I guess not.
Did the Tailban,OBL, or the Muslim world in general say they were sorry for 9/11,Madrid or London?
Obama bows to foreign leaders as well – like the King of Saudi Arabia
In a slightly off-topic but related due to the PC element — that’s where the powers that be want all the rest of us cowering to their diktats over what we are permitted to utter.
I give you the newest Leftwing racialist group dabbling in victimoguery.
Asian American Journalists Association releases guidelines on Jeremy Lin media coverage.
And I coined a punny name for those who lend credence to this sort of tyranny. Lincompoops. Or Linnies so you have a suitably diminutive label for these linatics.
“Asian-American” eh…there you have the core of the problem. Real Americans aren’t hyphenated American, they’re simply Americans.
Any person who hyphenates his citizenship description is no citizen at all and should be treated with derision and contempt.
Damn right, KG.
Indeed, a hyphen-nation is not a NATION.