‘Why journalism academics are so hostile to our free press’

‘…Here we get to an important factor it would be dangerous to spell out in detail. But consider: few journalism academics I know have risen to any great heights in the profession. Some prominent ones would struggle to find a job as a working journalist themselves.
…….When so many mediocre journalists become journalism academics, we cannot look to universities to defend a free press – especially one in which they failed to thrive…’          Andrew Bolt

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10 Responses to ‘Why journalism academics are so hostile to our free press’

  1. WAKE UP says:

    This can o’ worms is long overdue for opening. The real problem is not only what the journalism students are being taught, it’s also WHO is teaching them.

    • KG says:

      You bet! Journo skools have become little more than marxist indoctrination centres.
      A journo “degree” is worth about the same as a square of used toilet paper. And it shows.

      • Ronbo says:

        In the late 1980s, after my retirement from the U.S. Army anf armed with a degree in History from an elite private college, I was hired at Florida Today Newspaper as the “token conservative” to write opinion articles on current events from the Rightist viewpoint.

        I lasted one glorious year in late 1988/89 when I managed to pissed off every Leftist in Brevard County Florida…who whined to the Big Boss in the USA Today chain who ordered me fired by the Little Boss in Melbourne, Florida.

        This first and last experience in Leftist journalism was quite an education for me, because, although I was hated by the newspaper editors and reporters, I wqas loved by most of the readers and by the gang in the printing press section of the building…

        The little people…in other words.

        My last day when I cleaned out my desk and walked outside to my car for the last time, the crew from advertisement and printing had a tail gate party for me in the parking lot with beer and chips on the menu.

        One small event that tells the tale old days journalism.

  2. my take-
    most degrees are useless-because they are harnessed to the commie-progressive movement-
    my exceptions would be the tech-degrees such as engineering-or- the medical degrees-

    • KG says:

      That seems to be true, Carol. Yet the cost to the taxpayer of those useless degrees is huge.

  3. Darin says:

    Education in general has been watered down so much until a Degree in practically anything is meaningless.I know a Physics prof who took early retirement because he could no longer simply flunk a student who washed out during an exam.Flunking some one’s little darling student could get the University sued after all for hurting the little dears feelings.

    OT-Gloria Allred-“Prosecute Rush Limbaugh” further proof that the depths of her insanity cannot be gauged.

    • KG says:

      Hmmm…”AllRed”… aptly named, methinks.

    • WAKE UP says:

      Allred would be a joke if she wasn;t so dangerous. How much longer can her kind of insanity (and Bill Maher’s) have any traction? Surely we must be approaching the tipping point. :wtf

  4. These days in the western world, truly free press, speech, thought or inquiry are seldom welcome at our universities. It’s very sad and worrying because those are some of the reasons that make the western world so advanced and so exceptional.

  5. WAKE UP says:

    What pisses me off is they keep calling Sandra Fluke a “young” law student. She’s 30 and presumably still hasn’t graduated – for what might be becoming obvious reasons.