Those peace-loving black South Africans;

‘..when Nelson Mandela dies, the Blacks will rise up and the Whites will be killed.”   Via Gates of Vienna

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45 Responses to Those peace-loving black South Africans;

  1. KG says:

    And does anybody really expect that when whites become a minority in their own countries, they will be treated any better?

  2. Ronbo says:

    I agree, the next Holocaust is very likely the whites of South Africa…in honor of the death (soon to come) of Boss Nigger Communist Nelson Mandela.

    I hope and pray the cousin Anglosphere countries, take in the hardcore survivors, who will be forced to shoot their way out of Africa….America and Auistralia has lots of land for these hardy white people To regroup, rearm and re-invade Africa.

    But in regards to the continued survival of the WASP tribe on the planet and the growth of the English language, political science and culture among the lesser breeds in the world, I have no fear – over 12,000 years of ice ages, great floods, dark ages, famines, inter marriage with the lesser breeds, diseases, invasions, socialists, holocausts and tyranny have not wiped out the “ICEMAN”…

    Indeed, we WASPS are like cockroaches…even nuclear war won’t wipe all us off the planet! :smile:

    • Darin says:

      We won’t have to re-invade Africa.Once the WEMS are all gone Africa will revert back to what it was before we came and the bulk of the black population will simply kill each other for food.I would bet they last less than 20 years.Remember the rant from Rev Manning?-

  3. dondiego says:

    I saw a comment on SBPDL that went something like: Straight swap- black Americans back to Africa in exchange for the whites.
    Africa’s I.Q goes up, no white man to “keep them down”, and the white South Africans get to rebuild what the blacks have destroyed in the US.A.
    Why must it ONLY be darks who can be refugees? I’ll put this vid on my faceook- but it doesn’t matter a rat-shit. Friends and relatives will think “How terrible” and go back to the banal bullshit they were doing.

    To answer your question; we know it wont. And it’s doing my head in trying to point out these bastards mean what they say.

    • Ronbo says:

      I knew a black American who actually immigrated to South Africa after the “liberation” from the “white tyranny” in the 1990s- I should mention at the time he was stuffed full of black racism by way of Jesse Jackson – and really believed the Leftist propaganda about a “new free homeland” in Africa for “poor and oppressed” blacks like his college educated self.

      ANYHOW, he lasted about three years in SA before he was begging the U.S. embassy for a plane ticket back to the HOMELAND! ;-) This was just after his apartment in J Burg had been broken into for the THIRD time and everything stolen by the local ANC “Bros” who hated Americans – of any race.

      I asked him why he returned? He said, “Those NIGGERS are crazy in South Africa!….Also, they kept calling me colored because my momma is white. ;-) ” I kid you not! His very words!!!

      Did I mention this guy joined the Republican Party and The Tea Party?

      A well kept secret is that tencent of the GOP and TPM is black.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        The only reason it’s a well kept secret is because it fits with the meme of the Donkeycrats party and their LSM collaborators that the Tea Party Movement are all a bunch of racist middle-aged white folks. They conveniently ignore patriots like Alfonzo Rachel and Reverend CL Bryant because they don’t fit the meme.

        • Darin says:

          The percentage of working class Blacks who are conservative is much higher than that even.They are hung up on believing the race/class war the Demorats started,that is changing though.It’s a well kept secret also that less Blacks in Mississippi voted Dem in 2008 than they did in 2004.Mostly because they saw their standard of living increase under Bush.It remains to be seen how they will vote come November,but it might just surprise some folks.

  4. Darin says:

    Does this look like a Lynch mob forming?

    Zimmerman is Hispanic,but Rev Al is claiming he’s white,cause you know anyone who isn’t black is racist. :roll:

  5. Flashman says:

    South Africa will get its Mugabe.

    That’s as certain as tomorrow’s sunrise.

  6. Moneo says:

    I can remember when I was a leftie a South African friend educating me about the different groups of Africans who lived in South Africa – I had viewed black people as a monolithic block.

    This is by way of saying – when the Zulus win in South Africa, everybody will lose, and eventually that will be true for the Zulus as well.

    • mawm says:

      I’d definitely be standing on the sidelines cheering for the Zulu. One can only hope for a repeat of the Mfecane…….. and maybe this time they’ll deal to the Xhosa properly. :popcorn

  7. rivoniaboy says:

    All you have to do is read – Blood River by Tim Butcher, to see how Africa “progresses” once the whites leave .

  8. Moist von Lipwig says:

    As the British tried to do a hundred years ago, the black majority government is now trying to suppress the Afrikaner nation’s culture – and in fact all traces of their history.

    Good luck with that if the Afrikaners find another General De la Rey.

    • KG says:

      What a superb people they were….

    • mawm says:

      Yes we were treated rather badly by the Brits after the Anglo-Boer war but then I suppose they couldn’t accept that they were given a bit of a hiding by a vastly smaller bunch of irregulars. :censor

    • Flashman says:

      That’s a big IF in my view. SA right-wing Afrikaaners are inclined to talk big on politics, “free states” and Day of Wrath & Resistance, but curl up and vanish when the brandy and coke concentration in their respective bloodstreams drops back close to normal.

      Bar room BS’ers they are.

      White SA’s have no real political voice because they have no effective interest in politics and the wider society. Ever since 1910, they were happy for politicians to make policy and tell them what to do; a process that reached its apogee during the era of the broederbond nats [1948-1994]. [It used to be a standing joke in around 1976 that if John Voster announced that the government had decided it was in the national interest that “de volk” must get up and pee in the garden at 3 am, sure as hell, they would – in their droves.]

      After that “the government has decided” anchor cable was cut, they have opted out and today their world revolves around work, hiding behind security walls, sport watching on tv, oceanic drinking, accumulating consumer tat and stress.

      But that doesn’t mean the African Adventure won’t come looking for them one day.

      Perhaps soon.

      Or maybe later.

      But come knocking it will.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        “…no effective interest in politics…”

        “…happy for politicians to make policy and tell them what to do…”

        Gee, ya think there’s a lesson there for kiwis of European descent?

      • mawm says:

        Bar room BS’ers they are.

        That’s a minority who have been around forever. The rest of the Afrikaners have counted up their losses and either emigrated or adapted and are making money out of the expanded African market.

        Politically they really have no choices with the remnants of the National Party joining the Marxist ANC and the rest of the white vote following the socialist Zille. In reality they will never have any political say again as the demographics of SA have taken them out of the equation.

        • octagongrappler says:


          Whats it like for Boers having to move to Anglo nations??

          • mawm says:

            My mother was 3/4 Afrikaans but I was raised speaking English, went to a CoE school…. so apart from having to adapt to Kiwi quirkiness and a massive leftwing bureaucracy it has been no problem. Those with Afrikaans as their ‘mother’ language seem to fit into 2 groups – those who adapt, their kids speak English, etc. and are fine; and those who don’t and just want to go home. All-in-all most are prepared to roll up their sleeves and work and spend little time complaining. Some have even started supporting the AB’s, etc. :rant

            That said, I love to go back if the conditions were right……but we all know that is not going to happen.

            • KG says:

              It’ll only happen at the point of a gun, Mawm and what kind of society would that be?
              Be welcome and happy in your new home, and if you ever feel the need to leave the smoke from your neighbour’s chimney behind, we have a wide brown land ready for you. :smile:

              • The Gantt Guy says:

                Exactly what KG just said, mawm. Being from Auckland’s North Shore, I can say with confidence that immigration (‘white flight’) from SA and Zimbo have improved the join immeasurably!

                • Moist von Lipwig says:

                  And an echo from my provincial SI city mawm. I had the pleasure of a delightful SA family as neighbors for several years. They left for Qld without teaching me to sakkie sakkie. :mrgreen:

                • KG says:

                  “They left for Qld without teaching me to sakkie sakkie. ”

              • mawm says:

                Heh, KG. I have thought about it but we have made our new lives here (and even bought a new bach which we move into next week) …we are comfortable and are enjoying ourselves. Anyway the left is just as bad in Aus as here……but I do miss the warmth and the dry, brown vegetation, the birds, etc. They are just a Transtasman flight away. Now the daughter is at Uni we are finding more time to get around. We might even pop in and see you :shock: .

                GG and Moisty, It is great to have some positive feedback about being South African. I grew up with nothing but hatred being expressed towards me wherever I went in the world purely for being a South African.

                Cheers :cheers

        • Flashman says:


          I used to follow various right-wing sa blogs but it got so tedious in terms of content. Even worse were the comments – all the bar room kommandos chiming in about how they plan to create a “boerestaat” and the rest of that asinine drivel.