‘Anzac Day could provoke division in multicultural Australia
Commemorations should be “culturally sensitive and inclusive”
THE Federal Government has been warned that celebrating the centenary of Anzac Day could provoke division in multicultural Australia – and that there are “risks” in honouring our fallen soldiers.
The centenary is a “double-edged sword” and a “potential area of divisiveness” because of multiculturalism, a taxpayer-funded report finds.
Bureaucrats spent almost $370,000 for focus-group testing and a research paper used by the Government to guide commemoration plans, which listed multiculturalism under “risks and issues” to avoid “unexpected negative complications”.
…The report also says organisers should avoid references to current military action because it is “unpopular with young people”.
….More research into the impact of Anzac Day commemorations on recently arrived migrants was suggested…’
I don’t know which academic or group of academics is responsible for this report but the bastards need to be flogged out of town. So does the Gillard government. Some things are simply non-negotiable and Anzac Day is at the forefront of those. It doesn’t need “marketing” or “branding” or any of the other slimy terms our masters use to justify wasting our money and changing our culture. Mess with Anzac at your peril, you disgusting little Welsh cow.
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“Risks” I’d show them risks,drop their sorry asses in the middle of a war zone
Liberals/progressives/statists whatever they call themselves now are the same everywhere,they just have to “fix” things that aren’t broke.When they do get their spoiled rotten child like way and “fix” something the minute it turns rotten they blame someone else.What’s worse is they never,ever pass up an opportunity to piss on the very people who fight and die to protect their very freedoms.Stupid bunch of commie a–holes. :rant
I knew this was in the works, The last symbol of Anglo/Celtic pride in Aus/Nz.
They already attacked it in NZ 2 years ago when a chinese student wrote an essay/poem about a fallen soldier, and got to go to gallipoli on anzac day, and give a speech on behalf on NZ. It sickened me that no descendant of the soldiers were giving a taxpayer holiday, but an Immigrant from china who has no connection or emotion to the event.
If there is one thing Bureaucrats are good at it is spending other people’s money especially on things that fuck the people whose money it is.
Impalement is too good a death for these arseholes
It certainly tells you all you need to know about such people.
What effect do recently arrived immigrants have on the established culture?
Actually it’s not the immigrants who are at fault here ,it’s the bureaucrats who are using them to attack their own country and pushing their own agenda.In order to do that they ( the bureaucrats)want more and more immigrants so they can destroy Australia . Blair and Brown and co were shown to have done that in the UK.
Same thing happpening here.
I am not sure who is the worst waste of time here. The government for listening to possible “fears” or the idiot newcomers who believe their opinions are pertinent. Anzac Day is a hands-off day in NZ/Australia.
“A spokesman for Veterans Affairs Minister Warren Snowdon said the research paper was to “gain an understanding of the views, perceptions, knowledge and aspirations of the Australian people in relation to Anzac commemoration and the impending centenary”.
If this prick doesn’t understand by now he shouldn’t be in the job.
Oh wait….
Snowdon was a teacher with the Northern Territory Teaching Service before entering politics.
He is a member of the Socialist Left faction of the Australian Labor Party and of the hard left of the faction.
That may explain it
Thanks for that background, von L.
Appointing this arsehole to the Veteran’s Affairs post is surely a deliberate insult on the part of the Gillard government?
Reminds one of the Clark Gov. appointing Pacifist Mark Burton Minister of Defence.
They must have done their focus groups in faculty dining rooms.
More wasted tax payer money.
Last year The Cook and Adolf attended dawn service on Anzac day in Waikerie on the Murray. It is a town of 2,500 peoploe and there were 600 at the service. How do I know? I counted them the same way you tally a mob of sheep in the paddock.
The predominant age group was 10 to 25.
Adolf, how do “you tally a mob of sheep in the paddock”?
They’ll eventually succeed–with their calls for “inclusiveness” and for youth and child participation–in reducing the day to just another meaningless piss-up holiday, as they have Christmas and Easter.
I don’t give a shit if “yoofs” observe the day or not, since bugger-all of our other traditions mean anything to them and they show damn-all respect for the institutions and history of Australia. If they did, then young people wouldn’t get pissed, party up large and leave Gallipoli looking like a rubbish tip every year.
If a dwindling number of old people attend the dawn ceremonies until there are none left and Anzac Day simply dies out, that’s fine by me.
Better that, than to see the day hijacked for someone’s “cultural” or political purposes.
Yes I agree KG
I actually refuse to attend Auckland Dawn Parades anymore due to the fact it has become a trendy cultural point scoring exercise with our marxist urban elite.
My Grandfathers fought in the solomons in ww2 so Anzac day means alot to me, but I choose to celebrate at home rather than stand with marxist scum using it as a “multicultural”tool :gunner
I must say I attended one in the Bay Of Plenty last year and it was superb and simple.
Yeah, the little country towns still do it well, Grappler. Sombre and respectful–and then off to the RSA for a jug or two.
My Father fought in India, Afghanistan, France, Belgium and a few others besides, and I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t want to see the day turned into a multiculti circus.
About a 25% turnout down my way.
I just heard Neil Mitchell talking to this ape Snowdon. Apparently his goal is for *all* Australians to have a chance to participate in the centenary, if they want to. The question Mitchell didn’t ask is: does that mean the radical jihadis we’ve imported from the third world get to march alongside WWII veterans?
They can try. I’m just one person who will go to jail before I stand by and see that happen. And there are thousands of us.
Back in the early 1970s there was a disorderly conduct charge laid against a protestor who attempted to place a wreath dedicated to the “dead and dying in Vietnam” on a cenotaph in NZ (Dunedin, I think??) on Anzac morning. The Court upheld the charge as it found the RSA members at the service were entitled to decide who placed wreaths. Fat chance of their wishes (right or wrong) being honoured today.
Cad, if they force the veteran’s march to become a multiculti carnival, then I’d hope the RSA will pull out of it and the veterans will simply refuse to march.
The real power here lies with the veterans themselves.
Well The RSA President is a Multicult:(
Im sure they will try to :wtf
I look at Australia day on TV and I see a citizenship ceramony of new migrants wearing national dress of some asian nation and 2 flags grrr.. Also you see ethnic groups marching down the main drag with national dress and flags of other nations :rant
I could be wrong, Grappler, but I sense a groundswell of resentment and anger among the older Aussies I talk to almost every day. And the Queensland result seems to have infused them with a new energy and belligerance.
Here’s hoping…
All you Aussies & Kiwis better be careful – I KNOW damn good & well that you all have your own version(s) of Big Sis Napolitano – you’re gonna find yourselves listed as “potential terrorists” ………………………….. nice turnabout for folks who happen to love their countries, no? :gunner
Semper Fi’
They can list us as whatever they like, DM. Doing something about it might present them with a few problems though.
If they did I would seriously make life difficult for the NWO
The League Of NZ Patriots is an army of one but it is mighty
There are more patriots than our masters think, Grappler. And their patience is wearing thin…..
An army of 2, Spidy! :gunner
So ANZAC day was not a problem for Japanese immigrants, for German immigrants, for Vietnamese immigrants, etc…………….but now the west is involved in wars against the muzzies, it suddenly has become one. :gunner :gunner :gunner
It was never to my knowledge a problem for the Turks who came here in that great wave of immigration after WW2 either, Mawm. They settled in and became fine citizens and I know for a fact that plenty of them attend the dawn services.
You’re right, this is just more lefty academic/political appeasement of the islamists.
Yes KG
Turks all over the world actually respect us as good people and brave soldiers.
Turks have always liked kiwis whenever I have come across them..
Yep. And we have a common enemy–slimy bureaucrats and lying politicians.
KG & All, do you think maybe the ‘lords & masters’ are, like Øbama, just looking {or in some cases, manufacturing grounds} for ‘racial grievances’ to hang their hats on? Dunno if you’ve been following the lynching of George Zimmerman over the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, but “Teh Won” has, yet AGAIN, stepped in it, to his detriment among many ……………………………….
What is a proper symbol of ANZAC Day?
I may want to finagle something to wear that day …………………………… watch any locals heads explode ……………………. :whoop
Semper Fi’
Thank you, Ciaron !!
Semper Fi’
Focus group research is infamous for its ability to play back “findings” based on suitably phrased questions from unrepresentatively small samples. In other words, “Tell me the results you want and I’ll be sure the focus groups confirm your pre-judgement, Boss.”
In point of fact, focus groups are so riddled with random errors that even when done perfectly, they cannot ever be used to derive conclusive results. Broadly indicative is about as good as they ever can be when done to perfection with no a priori bias. That anyone or any agency should frame policy or make hard decisions on the basis of this cheap and nasty “research” brands them as biased and cynical at best, and criminally irresponsible at worst.
In this instance I believe dribble dick bureaucrats [and their socialist political scum paymasters] set the whole bloody project up to lend support for their termiting of Australian core values in favour of kow-towing to the ostensible sensitivities of high-visibility, vocal-minority imports who have no intention of assimilating into mainstream Australia.
Re you last paragraph, Flashy:
That’s exactly what Gramsci intended with his “march through the institutions”.
Re your last paragraph, Flashy:
That’s exactly what Gramsci intended with his “march through the institutions”.
Octo, your observation on attendance at services … “it has become a trendy cultural scoring exercise with our marxist urban elite” is totally spot on. I live deep in the bowels of lefty, leafy Mt Eden and have become increasingly angry seeing the hypocracy of the left and their inability to realise that the freedoms they so automatically assume, came not only from the blood of the soldiers who died, but to maintain, will come from the blood of future warriors. And we can’t have that .. someone might get hurt.
Haha Im in Mt Eden as well and im thinking of selling im so mad :rant
Hmm..we lived in Epsom for a while, and that’s another leftist cesspit, Mara.
(mind you, getting a truckload of slaughterhouse waste dropped into the driveway of one particularly obnoxious leftist councillor was fun…
KG Epsom is now Asian. What worries me more is that Mt Roskill and Blockhouse Bay are now Islamist, err. sorry., Muslim occupied.
How long before Auckland becomes Birmingham- on- Hauraki, Mara? Ten years?
Mara my house is in Grammer zone near epsom and they want only the best school for there brood, Im the only kiwi in site. Sandringham is muslim as well.
Did you see Spoonley on close up at 7pm calling us racist. :rant .
Its funny spoons says asians come here not for social or economic reasons, but for educational, so they want there kids going to the best schools and unis. Um That sounds like social and economic to me.
KG, ten to twelve years .. about that.
That’d be my guess too, Mara. Assuming the current rate of imports stays about the same.
They say 2025 but thats conservative, I say 2020 and I wont be able to get new clients so i will move to Australia or maybe Tauranga
The mesmerising thing to contemplate is what will happen to maoris as the potential for more and more islamos grows. Will maoris employ their tribalist instincts to join up to, perhaps breed with, islamos?
I note how the extremely stupid maori gangs flourish swastikas on their patches without a thought to the likely response the Nazis would have had to brown skinned thuggery. The swastika is there to shock without thought. Perhaps the maoris will wear islamo motifs for much the same (lack of) reason?
We may have a case in NZ of two stone-age mentalities conjoining to plunge backwards for centuries.
Good point.
I once deliberately raised this question at a “cultural awareness” seminar [please don’t ask!] to get a rise out of of the ‘born-again under the tweety money honeypot’ Maori presenter when he was wittering on and on and on about “bicultural” artywasarower. My point was that the elephant in the room was the reality of Multiculturalism where the Multi was increasingly comprised of Asian and Indian immigrants who had little or no obvious sympathy for Maori aspirations or its self-constructed plastic tradition derived from ‘oral history’ and the tweety gravy train [didn’t quite put it like that, but you con the drift].
Mr Rebirth had no answer – except to refer to the clauses of the tweety. [A clanging cop-out.]
The fact is that Maori will become ever more socially and politically marginalised in NZ of the future dominated by a large insoluble lump of unassimilated imports.
Yet another “diversity dividend” it seems.
The fastest homegrown muslim converts are Maori. Whats true as you say as they have gone for shock etc.
The maori muslims are actually dressing like malcolm x and wearing hats and bow ties.
which proves its an anti whitey movement much like the nation of islam recruited blacks in america in the 1960s.
Do you have figures for this phenomenon? I find the topic fascinating. The aping of Malcolm X is unsurprising. When did maoris ever hold an original thought?
I will try and find the article cad
And in related news, if you’ve ever had the misfortune of travelling on public transport in Melbourne, it seems every day there’s some group or ‘worthy cause’ at the station rattling their tin looking for money. And when it isn’t the cancer council, breast cancer awareness, the salvation army or some other genuinely worthy cause, it’s the bloody homeless.
Previously the RSL has spent the 2 weeks lead-up to ANZAC Day selling badges, and the week lead-up to Remembrance Day selling poppies. All of the charities have now been told they can only sell for one day. Now, all of the other worthy causes do a heap of other fundraising, via lotteries or tv campaigns, etc. Fr the RSL, this is the only fundraising they do. For Metro to remove the RSL’s fundraising privileges is a direct attack on those heroes who went to war and fought for those few remaining freedoms we in the west enjoy. They are bastards for doing this. Far better they clean up their stations and get rid of the bloody homeless, drunk, drug addicted beggars! But then, old men would likely not fight back, eh?