‘If It Can Happen Down Under…

The Australian government steps up its war against a free pressand the Internet.
Australia is a nation where freedom of speech has appeared as solidly established as anywhere in the world.
Today, however, it is under a massive threat. This is all the more shocking because it is as head-on assault on Australia’s entire political culture of liberty and democracy…’
These unspeakable pieces of filth WILL NOT dictate what we say here, regardless of the consequences. I’ll go to jail before I change one word. Not too many things are worth manning the barricades for, but free speech is top of the list of those that are.
(And the Opposition urgently needs to get rid of that asshole Malcolm Turnbull, by any means possible)

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10 Responses to ‘If It Can Happen Down Under…

  1. This current government is waging a war largely against the media that is critical of it. It can’t figure out ass from elbow on policy so instead of changing policy and listening to people it wants to stifle correct criticism of it, the lazy and stupid way.

    If they do get away with it, they’re too stupid to understand that the same methods they use now can and should be used to return the favor when we switch governments.

    As for Turnbull, what an irritating wanker, yeah, send him back to the ALP, where he belongs.

    • KG says:

      All the lefty prick ever does is undermine the conservatives. He still fancies himself as PM one day.

      • Ronbo says:


        As I’ve said many times before, the Freedom Fighters of Anglosphere face the same common enemy of the Left in all our respective countries – only the names, dates and event have to be changed in any political news article written in Britain, America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand for it to read pretty much the same.

        And true to our role as the hot headed rebels of the usually calm and collected Anglosphere family, Americans are gearing up to what looks like a Second U.S. Civil War between those in Democrat Party who want to be slaves and slave owners, and those patriots in the Republican party who want to FREE.

        More in a recent comment to KG on my blog:

        I agree with you that Romney is a typical Utah state fascist Mormon style geek who will say anything as a professional politician to get elected to any office at any level of government.

        However, except for the Mormon part, wasn’t Lincoln in 1860 pretty much the same thing?

        Lincoln, in case you aren’t aware, was a former professional politician WHIG, a party that included southern slave owners, and even as late has 1862, when civil war was sweeping the country, Lincoln – a bigot who wanted blacks to go back to Africa – freed not one single slave in his most famous presidential order!

        Furthermore, Lincoln even after secession began in late 1860/early 1861, did not want civil war with the South to force the rebels back into the Union.

        It was in the spring of 1861 after the Confederates formed rebel armies that were in the field moving towards Washington, D.C. after firing on Union troops in South Carolina did Lincoln call for volunteers to defend the Republic.

        The same sort of dynamic is at work today and there is no doubt in my formerly military mind that Romney is still the professional Republican politician like Lincoln in his heart or hearts.

        In other words, the usual majority run of good, decent and peaceful Americans are still sitting fat, dumb and happy before the video/audio device – but some are already being forced out of their easy chairs by Current Events to either become the New Lincoln(s) and save the Union, or face the collapse of the United States of America and a New Dark Age.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    KG, The NZ Greens reckon they are not watermelons.


    (see toad’s comment)
    How much you want to bet they do not condemn the Auzzie Greens for this most despicable attack on freedom?

    • KG says:

      Good grief! Toad and others are living in la-la land–or simply lying, something the Greens are very good at. :evil: :gunner

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Toad is being eviscerated in the comments. I particularly like this one from s.russell:

        “national voters do not believe the greens are weak on economic issues – they believe the greens are insane on economic issues”

        That’s one of those “it’s funny because it’s true” things.

        And the first time I’ve been back to kiwiblog for several months.