
‘Homophobia linked to suppressed sexuality: study’
Firstly, disapproval of homosexuality is not “an irrational fear of” homosexuality. (The true meaning of “homophobia”.)
Second, I suspect the object of this bullshit is to silence criticism of homosexuals by implying that such criticism hides latent homosexual tendencies in those who disapprove. The Soviets were past masters at distorting “science” in the service of their totalitarian agenda, and this is simply more of the same.

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15 Responses to Horsecrap.

  1. mara says:

    KG this bollocks has been doing the rounds for as long as I can remember and noone gave a shit but lately our :gunner diversity and tolerance controllers are criminalising the “homophobes” for causing :gunner offence. Same with racism. Hardly anyone under 50 knows the meaning of that word either.
    How can you tell if you are entering a homo household? The welcome mat reads, “Please wipe your knees.” :roll:

    • KG says:

      “How can you tell if you are entering a homo household? The welcome mat reads, “Please wipe your knees.”
      It’s the same with “islamophobia” isn’t it, Mara? Object to a barbarous ideology which sanctions cutting off heads etc and that’s apparently an “irrational fear” too…
      What next? Pedophobia?

      • Darin says:

        I suffer from Luposlipophobia.It’s a fear of being chased around the kitchen table by a pack of Timberwolves while wearing wool socks on a freshly waxed floor.Do I qualify for disability payments? :popcorn

  2. mara says:

    KG, hmm, Islamophobia and paedophobia …. bestiophobia anyone?
    For purposes of illustration … What goes, “205, 206, 207, hello darling …209, 210 …..?” An Afghani farmer counting his goats. :popcorn

  3. KG says:


  4. Darin says:

    “I have no fear of homosexuals,I just don’t fucking like them”-Andrew Dice Clay

  5. KG says:

    I’ve known some very fine people who just happened to be homosexual, and they share my disdain for the shrieking activist kind.

  6. Octagongrappler says:

    I think they may be using the example of Anti-Gay activist George Rekkers, whop hired a gay call boy to carry his bags on a trip to Europe :mrgreen:

    On another note see debra Manning was on tv lastnight, lining up to defend those boat people in Darwin coming to NZ. This will be a major challenge for Key as the media have already said let them in. :popcorn

    • KG says:

      Perhaps we should courier Key a spine, Grappler?
      The bloody Chinese have said that they’ll be “prepared to stay in Oz” if the government will guarantee they won’t be kept in detention for more than a couple of months! Big of them, I thought…

  7. KG says:

    BAWAAAHAHAHA!! That takes the term “untrained rabble” down to a whole new level! Thanks for that Oz. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  8. homophobia these days is now shoved onto people who won’t openly dance around in thongs or some crap celebrating the gay lifestyle, it’s juvenile, stupid and ignorant.

    The people who need to get over their irrational hysteria are the shrill minority of homosexuals who are convinced that they’re being persecuted, them and the idiot lefties fanning this hysteria.

  9. mara says:

    Right Wing Theocrat. Yep. And hysteria has been the default option of every age of humankind. All that changes, over time, are the details. O’course, this hysteria cuts both ways. Life is so short I choose my battles now and occasionally ponder the effect of coming, global Islamism on this and other matters of current “hysteria.” Life is so interesting. :popcorn