Aussies reject lying Welsh commie:

Via Andrew Bolt:
‘Essential Research’s poll shows Labor’s support dropping to a disastrous 43 to 57 per cent (2PP) – which is where Newspoll had it last week.
The Coalition’s primary vote is an amazing 50 per cent.’
And a classic comment under Bolt’s post:
“Isn’t this the point in the movie where the remaining Labor Members all gather in life-jackets on the foredeck and sing “Oh Gough,Our Help in Ages Past”…..?”
The Old and Unimproved Dave
(Gough Whitlam, of course was sacked as PM by the Governor-General, but he’s still revered in leftyland)

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5 Responses to Aussies reject lying Welsh commie:

  1. I don’t know, I get the feeling that most of us see her as just a lying commie. Don’t let the turd drag down the welsh like she’s pushing the rest of us into the toilet.

    So looking forward to the day when we can head to the ballot box to tell juliar to shove off.

    • KG says:

      You’re right, of course–most Welsh people don’t deserve the slur by
      The day she’s voted out, there will be a lot of beer and champagne drunk all across Australia. And the icing on the cake will be the two rotten “Independents” getting their marching orders too. :smile:

  2. Octagongrappler says:

    Come on guys lets look at this for our shining light…. :mrgreen: :gunner