Beneficial immigrants, instead of benefits for illegal immigrants:

‘A family of 14 who refused to claim benefits has turned its back on Britain and flown to Australia in search of a brighter future. David and Jackie Jones, who have seven girls and five boys, have never claimed a penny in state hand-outs. Instead, Mr Jones, 42, worked a 12-hour night shift to earn enough money to support his family and ensure he had time to spend with his children…’

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10 Responses to Beneficial immigrants, instead of benefits for illegal immigrants:

  1. WAKE UP says:

    At the risk of being grouchy… :twisted: it’s still dumb to have that many children in the modern era.

    • KG says:

      Somebody better do it, Wakey because muslims sure as hell are. The West is simply being out-bred by the enemy.

      • WAKE UP says:

        Yes, I know that Muslims are out-breeding us, and did have that in mind when I made that comment, but I think the Muslim incursion will have to be dealt with long before the kids grow up. (Indeed, a couple of well-placed nukes and it could be over tomorrow :mrgreen: )

  2. KG says:

    “..but I think the Muslim incursion will have to be dealt with long before the kids grow up.”
    I don’t believe it will be.

  3. Tom says:

    Certainly it was no surprise to see the colour of these people.

  4. Darin says:

    Somebody better get a picture of these folks,they are probably the only ones like them.

  5. Darin says:

    And then I saw this and said- :wtf

    Okay,so lemmie get this straight,she makes her living wrestling in Gravy.She comes home to find her friend (a single Mom)having sex with a friend on the sofa.She asks “what are you doing?”and gets smacked in the face with a Pipe wrench.

    Oh,ya that happens everyday :roll:

  6. KG says:

    Normal day at the office.

  7. Would it surprise anyone if good, hard working people like these had to jump through plenty of hoops to be accepted here.

    Come on a boat asking – so which way to centrelink? – and the navy is sent out to welcome you and ensure you make it to centrelink safely.