‘..Most polygamy in the developed world is nothing to do with Mormons: It’s widely practiced by western Muslims, whose plural marriages are recognized de facto by French and Ontario welfare departments and de jure by Britain’s pensions department.
But “edgy” “transgressive” leftie comics on sad, pandering standup shows will reserve their polygamy jokes for Mormons until the last stern-faced elder in Utah keels over at the age of 112…’ source
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Big oops.
(1) dog wars. “Romney strapped his dog to the roof of his car”
Obama ate a dog.
(2) polygamy wars. “Romney’s father was born in a place where they practiced polygamy.
Romney = polygamist? Nope
Romney’s father = polygamist? Nope
Romney’s grandfather= polygamist? Nope
Romney’s great-grandfather -= polygamist? Yep
Obama = polygamist? Nope
Obama’s father= polygamist? Yep
Obama’s uncle= polygamist? Yep
Obama’s grandfather = polygamist? Yep
Nothing to see folks. Move along.
If the media actually reported this stuff, it’d be a massive own-goal by the Obots. But of course, they don’t.
Of course not. They’re too busy working for the Campaign to Reelect the President.
It’s been at least a two-year campaign. :rant
Even Romney’s (non) drinking is bad
For sure. Last thing you want is a sober President!
“We don’t want a drunk president, we tried that already, with Clinton”
Muslim polygamy is accepted as a feature of multiculturalism and the richness of “diversity”.
But the joys of “pluralism” do not extend to Mormonism, nor to Christianity for that matter
If any further evidence were needed that the GOP is as much the enemy as the Donkeycrats, how’s this… The Young Guns Network has sent mail to registered donkeys urging them to vote for Dick Lugar in his primary against Richard Mourdock!
Hopeless, isn’t it? The GOP needs root and branch reform, but it’s not going to happen.
A month before Hurricane Katrina I had this really bad feeling in my gut that something really bad was going to happen here.
I have that feeling again,it’s a sense of dread,like a stench that won’t go away.
I think something bad is about to happen,I sense it and this time it is worse than what I felt then.
Call me crazy,but somethings not right.
That link’s author ended it with “Heaven forbid me to label this as Republican-In-Name-Only behavior, but let’s just call it plain old treachery.”
What a perfect opportunity for an author to use the label SKUNC aptly — but missed! The old Westerns referred to double-crossers as skunks, and here we have exactly the sort of stinkers that the new label encompasses. I’m in need of a new publicist effort.