The whiny bastards never stop, do they?
‘Scandal highlights lack of women in Secret Service
Secret Service agents are often portrayed in popular culture as disciplined, unflappable, loyal and male. A spiraling prostitution scandal that has highlighted the dearth of women in the agency that protects the president and dignitaries has many wondering: Would more females in the ranks prevent future dishonour?..’
Because as we all know, women have a genetic endowment which makes them proof against engaging in unethical, dishonourable or criminal behaviour…
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Naah KG. You’ve got it wrong.
If there more women in the ranks, the guys wouldn’t have to hire prossies.
BYO, see?
No need, when they are surrounded by so many keen amateurs.
There’s been nothing stopping them from joining up to now, whining bitches.
These same secret service agents are trained to take the bullet for the POTUS. I wonder just how many of those scions of the media, busily flapping their jowls in moral outrage, would dare to place themselves in even close proximity of any potential danger.
No, I’m not saying what those agents did was moral, but lord above, what a storm in a teacup.
Nothing reveals the moral depravity of our so called superiors, than that which enervates their sanctimonious outrage and drives them into spasms of verbal diarrhea. Let’s face it, prostitution is the world’s oldest profession, there’s a reason for that.
On the subject to hand, just how successful would a 120 – 135 lb woman be in skirmish with any determined and adrenaline filled assassin; please note, most of those secret security agents are pretty big beefy guys. Now, having said that, I know of a little waif of a lady, 4. 11 in her stocking feet, so slight she looks as if a strong breeze might blow her over, and on the wrong side of 50 to boot…but I pity the poor fool who would try to assault her. This lady can’t weigh more than 95 lbs, but as a karate black belt, she is just one step away from a grand master. She is a liberal too…go figure. As I said, gawd help the poor thug who decides she would be an easy mark.
That really depends on which karate. If it’s not Kyokushin, it’s pretty useless.
Don’t know what type of karate it was, but whatever, that lady could take care of herself when push comes to shove.
My point being that not all women are wilting flowers in a combat situation. I still believe that women in combat is a foolish idea, but that truth will only be revealed when the West or any of its constituent parts gets itself embroiled in a major meat grinder of a war, and don’t kid yourself, the age of brutal warfare is not over, no matter what all the “experts” say.
If the messiah in the White House and the left get their way, and take down America as a dominant power, the security and relative peace of much of the world will go up in smoke, much as that spliff they all keep toking on. It will be sackcloth and ashes for much of humanity, including those America haters, so vocal in their accusations and condemnations.
Sorry for the ramble KG
Sorry? I enjoyed it, Richard. Ramble at will!
It’s all a diversion from O’s performance as Prez.
The primary function of the Secret Service is NOT to protect the President, etc… but to protect the CURRENCY from counterfeit. I wish people would remember this.
Well, Katie, it looks like they’ve been distracted from their primary purpose for some time now…I wonder who by?
Pity they can’t protect the currency from the Fed’s Quantitative Easing, isn’t it?
“Because as we all know, women have a genetic endowment which makes them proof against engaging in unethical, dishonourable or criminal behaviour…”
Indeed, KG – what sex again were the prostitutes?
I guess when [hetero] male prostitutes outnumber those of the ‘fairer sex’ the above [article’s] argument might hold some water.
And on reflection isn’t it funny that it was the Klarkenfuhrer [& her co-lesbian and gaggle of gay friends in Labour] who decriminalised prostitution, and since then we have seen a huge increase of underage girls entering the ‘profession’.
“…and since then we have seen a huge increase of underage girls entering the ‘profession’.”
You still don’t see it listed on the Careers board at school though. Funny that.
… or up on WINZ job seekers boards [yet]. Although legally if [a woman] were to refuse to take on the role of prostitute she could have her benefit cut off for failure to meet her job search requirements.
I recall reading of exactly that scenario over in the UK.
Typical leftist feminist bullshit. Every opportunity taken to push their agenda.
More females and diversity?
Clinton would have enjoyed that and survived the ensuing scandal!
Secret service agents are disciplined,loyal, male etc they need to be . And strong, like firemen or paratroopers.
Who wants to be in a burning building when a diversity selected fireperson turns up and can’t hack down the door and carry you down a ladder cos they’ve been hired on the basis of their sex ,skin colour or religion and not ability?
Body guards the same.Protect your charge,run,fight and shoot straight while being shot at? No, not the qualities we’re looking for these days!
Talking of the “profession”, it amused me when Germany a few years back insisted that businesses must hire apprentices. Someone wanted to know why,as knocking shops there are legal, that those “businesses “were deemed to be exempt.
Admitting to my age, I recall “Agent 99” being gorgeous and a lot smarter than Maxwell Smart. The actress was Barbara someone??? :popcorn