
Wind farms can cause climate change, finds new study
Wind farms can cause climate change, according to new research, that shows for the first time the new technology is already pushing up temperatures.’
Looks like governments will have to find a new mechanism for transferring wealth to their cronies….

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26 Responses to hahahahahaha!

  1. Darin says:

    KG,I’m ready if you are budd.You wanna operate the crane or or the all terrain forklift?We gotta get this Wind Turbine recycling business of the ground :grin:

  2. ReversePsychology says:

    Does anyone remember the lefts hysteria over the new great Satan “Acid rain”, which was big copy from leftist teachers when I was growing up?…….It was supposed to be the be all and end all of everything to come, and something that would affect me for the rest of my natural……..Did Global warming also snuff out “Acid Rain” one wonders?…..Or as a kid was I lied to by despicable leftists using their tried and tested scaremongering tactics ?…..Perish the thought.

    • Andrei says:

      Yes we have been wrecking the planet ever since I can remember and it has almost always been evil greedy capitalists who have been doing it.

      The solution has always been more Government and a stronger UN as well.

      I’m more scared of the UN than I am of acid rain though

  3. KG says:

    “Or as a kid was I lied to by despicable leftists using their tried and tested scaremongering tactics ?”
    Nah. Surely not. What decent human being would do that to kids? Oh, hang on……

  4. Ciaron says:

    That’s just too fucking funny!

  5. KG says:

    ‘Thunderbolts from the blue! Incredible colour pictures show the young American fighter pilots who risked their lives to defend Britain in World War Two’