The Kim Dotcom case: A cock-up and a disgrace

The Government’s lawyers have been ordered to explain how the FBI left the country with evidence in the Kim Dotcom case meant to be kept in “secure custody” by New Zealand police.
High Court Chief Justice Helen Winkelmann has told the Attorney-General’s lawyer, Mike Ruffin, he has until Monday to explain why FBI agents were allowed to take 135 cloned computer and data storage devices to the United States…’

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2 Responses to The Kim Dotcom case: A cock-up and a disgrace

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    In their eagerness to impress the Fibbies, NZ Police may well have tanked any chance of securing a conviction againstcp Dotcom. If that happens, it is quite likely those who led the police operation will be promoted, and Dotcom will secure a portion of taxpayer wedge for his “wrongful imprisonment”. :popcorn

    • Anonymous says:

      The case would have been thrown out of a US court long ago for illegal search and seizure.
      Following on what Rivoniboy said in “open house” below about kissing arse for a free trade agreement, NZ has been on the back foot ever since their non nuclear stance and keeping out US warships. NZ has an export economy and needs open sea routes to survive. The US is the sea power at present. Aus has recognised this and has ensured close military and political ties – especially Howard with his friendship with GW. Clark on the other hand allowed hers to get in the way. Key most probably has recognised we need to align ourselves with the US again and now has rolled over for them. It is time to repeal our non nuclear position.