Silence as propaganda:

‘..Fury over the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts’ continued refusal to report the lawsuits Catholic entities have filed against the Obama administration has spread beyond the Media Research Center watchdog group and Catholic leaders to nine additional Christian leaders equally concerned about this decision to deliberately not report national news.
…..For the third night in a row the broadcast networks have refused to cover this correctly. This momentum is fueled by CBS Evening News’ outrageous decision not only to spike the Catholic lawsuits but instead to lead the news with yet another story about the Catholic sex abuse scandal. The broadcast devoted two minutes and 31 seconds to the accused abusers and allegations that occurred decades ago. That’s roughly eight times more coverage than CBS Evening News gave the historic lawsuit on Monday…’
More propaganda

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One Response to Silence as propaganda:

  1. Darin says:

    Typical,I would not exspect anything less from the lying leftist media.This TV and Internet Ad is starting to run now,it’s about time and I hope the Catholic Church doesn’t back down.For that matter I hope that all Christian churches carry the Cross on this come Nov.