‘When will there be the Western Spring….’

On the NZ budget:
‘..Bill English, please take this personally, you are a true National Socialist: you are my enemy, as you are the enemy of all free men. I suggest you wear a brown shirt to Parliament from now on. I’m too angry to write anything further. When will there be the Western Spring, to wrest our liberty back?..’ source

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10 Responses to ‘When will there be the Western Spring….’

  1. rivoniaboy says:

    In the immortal words of The Gantt Guy:

    “Most of the Nat front bench are “little” people, no different from the officious wankers who spend their days carrying council clipboards and making people’s lives miserable.”

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    I see Adolf over at NoMinister is channeling his inner socialist today. In a post titled “Super Annuation”, he suggests he agrees with John Key* that there’s no reason to raise the age of entitlement to “National Superannuation”(really it isn’t superannuation at all, but a government old-age pension).

    Anyway, Adolf’s solution is … NZ should copy the Australian tax code. 1/ means-test the old-age pension. 2/ make kiwisaver compulsory#. 3/ make kiwisaver “contributions”(how can they be “contributions” when in the previous breath he is talking about making them compulsory?) tax deductible. and 4/ introduce a 46.5% personal income tax rate for anyone earning over $180,000^.

    No links to NoMinister, because I won’t give increased traffic to leftists.

    Adolf, Wayne Swan will lose his seat at the next Federal Election and Ju-Liar is looking for a statist to take up the class warfare banner. I assume you’ll be applying for the job?

    Anyway, this Marxist plan clarified for me, once again, that the National Party and their supporters are not lovers of liberty, capitalism and free markets. They don’t get the best way to collect more in taxes is to LOWER RATES. Specifically on superannuation, you don’t improve retirement outcomes by forcing people to invest in under-performing schemes. You improve retirement outcomes by removing the safety net of a government-funded retirement.

    Damn, but in the New Zealand political environment the choice is either hard-left Communism or the soft tyranny of Blair-style socialism.

    *Has there ever been any issue, no matter how insignificant, with which Adolf didn’t agree with the quisling Key?
    #Force people to put their money into funds that are going backwards at a million miles an hour in real terms, and don’t let them withdraw until they retire?
    ^In NZ, that would capture about 3 people. All of whom would immediately structure their working arrangements so they earn $179,999.

  3. KG says:

    Jim Hopkins has a good column on this in today’s Herald. (!)

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      OMFG!!! Whowouldathunkit? The gold of the entire article can be summed up by this little piece of genius right here:

      “Anybody who insists the gummint should be funding whatever they want funded is someone who’s too scared to ask their neighbours to pay for it of their own accord. Either that, or they have asked their neighbours but couldn’t persuade them.”

      That, boys & girls, is the beginning and ending of tyranny. And why we’re in the sorry state we are.

  4. KG says:

    Yessir. The truth in a nutshell.

  5. Katie says:

    In the US our Western Spring will start on Nov. 6th and end on Jan. 20th. The End of the Obama Regime.


    • KG says:

      In your dreams, Katie. If you think Romney will deliver democracy or wind back creeping totalitarianism –then you simply haven’t been paying attention.

  6. KG says:

    As an experiment, list the number of government intrusions into people’s lives– introduced in just the last four years– that Republican candidates have guaranteed to repeal if elected.

  7. The Gantt Guy says:

    Here is a link to Dr Brash’s speech during the week to the Auckland branch of the Institute of Chartered Accountants. Can we imagine how the NZ economy would be humming now had the Klarkenfuhrer not stolen the 2005 election with her illegal spending and vile lies? Can we imagine how much better life in Nz would be had a Brash-led government had control of the economy from 2005-12 instead of a succession of socialist, big-government craven cowardly scum?
