‘..Reports indicate that the EU will soon be creating a mandatory electronic ID system for all citizens of the European Union.
The EU’s Digital Agenda Commissioner, Neelie Kroes, asserts that the legislation will promote “the adoption of harmonized e-signatures, e-identities and electronic authentication services (eIAS) across EU member states.”
….It’s worth noting that Kroes is a longtime attendee at the secretive Bilderberg meetings of elite globalists, and it seems likely the legislation will be an item on the agenda for the upcoming Bilderberg meeting in Chantilly, Virginia, May 31-June 3.
Across the Atlantic, the Obama administration has been a major proponent of a national Internet ID system, but has faced harsh backlash for the proposal. Critics have voiced a variety of concerns surrounding the Internet ID system, focusing on the power such a plan would grant to federal authorities to monitor the online activities of all U.S. citizens. When the idea was first proposed by President Obama, EndoftheAmericanDream.com noted, “The potential for government abuse of such a system is absolutely staggering.”..’
Few people seem concerned by this. They’ll wake up one day and wonder how they became serfs.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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6079 Smith, W.
Thoughtcrime is Death
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And very, very few people seem to give a stuff, Gantt. The rest will be looking around in mild bovine surprise when the concentration camp gates clang shut.
It’s even worse than a concentration camp future. So few even inclined to agree with you understand the aim of global statists.
They really mean it.
Actually I don’t believe the “1984” dystopia is the future, I think the much under-rated “Brave New World” dystopia by Aldous Huxley will be much closer to the mark and I commend people to read it if they haven’t already.
As Huxley said in a letter to George Orwell (he was his teacher and friend) “I believe that the world’s leaders will discover that infant conditioning and universal cultural control and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power will be even more completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience”.
I don’t disagree with that at all Benares. I call an intentional misleading of the masses. It ties back to John Dewey and the early “Progressive” movement back in the days when Utilitarianism was already accepted and racist eugenics was on the rise. What some call soft tyranny. The phrase I highlighted is how the self-assessed supermen view old humanity. And lest we forget, it’s clear that Orwell was not far off describing where Stalin would have gone had he more technology. Certainly Mao had taken it further, and from the horrific reports out of the current regime on how it treats its subjects, is still in operation there. Or is that only Eastasia, and of no consequence to us in Oceania?
Another reason I agree with you is that I comprehend all that CS Lewis (coincidentally died the same day as Huxley) meant by The Abolition of Man. He referred to these same alleged supermen as The Conditioners. Drugs certainly help, but don’t underestimate indoctrination and propaganda. The supermen love to mislead most of all because our gullibility helps them feel comfortable in their notion that we deserve being ruled; that they are doing humanity a favor.
google, facebook, yahoo, microsoft, apple.
The global Internet ID is already in place…