Yes it can. It’s ignored genocide in the Sudan by islamists long enough, after all.
Once again,the predictable calls for international action, the predictable outrage at what’s going on in yet another Arab shit-hole. Why should Western taxpayers pay one cent to the U.N. for them to meddle in a country’s business? The Arab countries have always been brutal, backward cesspits and probably always will be. Western countries were all agog at the “Arab Spring” and supported popular uprisings, and hasn’t that ended well? If they choose to kill one another there’s very little indeed we can do about it, except throw money we can’t afford while countries like Saudi Arabia–the source of much of the unrest–sit back and contribute nothing and use the chaoes to spread the reach of Wahabbism. The best thing we could do is sit back and let them implode then go in and take over the oil wells so primitives can no longer hold us to ransom. Screw them.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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I sure as hell haven’t lost anything in Syria I see no reason to go looking.
The only thing I would do there is make sure both sides are well armed,let them kill each other and sort things out themselves,they’ve had 3,000 years to get they’re act together and haven’t managed yet.
Hypocritical selective outrage over a nasty civil war – the West is unlikely to get involved though beyond hand wringing
Let Islamo filth annihilate itself. That’s what I call an “Arab Spring!” :whoop
Anyone remember where this started? Hama? Another fun fundie city…
It’s OK folks…
The International community is really REALLY mad!
“flagrant violation of international law”
-Kofi Annan
“indiscriminate and unforgivable”.
-UN mission head Maj-Gen Robert Mood
“appalling crime”
-UK Foreign Secretary William Hague
“the Government of Syria [must] immediately cease the use of heavy weapons in population centers”.
-U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
“The United States will work with the international community to intensify our pressure on Assad and his cronies, whose rule by murder and fear must come to an end”
-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton
So that’s all right then
Weren’t these all the people who justified their bombing the shit out of Ghadafi on the little heard of R2P touted by the UN? – Annan, Hague, Clinton and the moon-Ki.
What???? The UN isn’t condemning Israel over this? It is not the fault of the Jews????
I’m shocked! SHOCKED!!!!!
It’s an inexplicable oversight, Katie. Soon to be rectified, I’m sure.
I’m sure. Once Israel take Iran down a peg or two.
The “arab spring” has been a disaster for the West, we went from secular dictators to democratic Salafist-esque Parliaments.
One form of tyranny for another for the citizens, and a much bigger threat to the world.
And Obama and Clinton grinning like Cheshire bloody cats. The ‘Arab Spring’ was no accident and I hope sme day the details of the deal between the Obama/Clinton administration and the Muslim Brotherhood are made public.
That said, the ME is completely unsuited to western-style democracy. Much like tribal Africa isn’t. And we in the west should stop trying to force on them a gift they can’t understand, don’t appreciate and will only ever wield as a weapon.
I’m of the absolutely unwaivering belief that freedom and democracy cannot be achieved through “nation building”. It can only be achieved through revolution or developed through years of hard won rights from central government opposed at every turn. Hard won and easily lost…
Freedom is not the natural state of man.
Freedom is the natural state of man, it is just that on a day to day basis the requirements of personal survival subsume it.
It is easy to become touchy about the threats to freedom but remember where we revel in personal; freedom…places just like this one.
But for how much longer, I wonder, Cad?
That IS the question, but I can’t see you dropping this site without a fight…a huge fight!
Cadwallader; “Freedom is the natural state of man,”
Really? I guess I missed all those periods of history before 1776 of constitutionally limited government enumerating reason based rights…
So some people,including kids get killed by heavy artillery fired by government forces and the UN want action!
The rebels have been killing and expelling indigenous Christians there for months and the UN says…….? nothing much.
And the UN has mollycoddled dictators and genocidal maniacs since it’s foundation,why get a conscience now? Cos they smell the inevitable end ,so suddenly they find a pair.
Relax. It’s election year in America and the Syria is a classic Klintonesque distraction.
Reality – Syria has no oil.
PS: Today’s UK Daily Telegraph has a neat piece suggesting The Kenyan’s re-election campaign has entered a “Jimmy Carter in ’80” end game. It’s a joy to behold.