Teen’s (anti) Gay Marriage Video Banned By YouTube

‘The following video produced by sixteen-year-old Madeleine McAulay has been banned by YouTube because it did not meet their “community guidelines.” The video, which had garnered over 20,000 hits in only a week, was submitted to Breitbart News for consideration when it was first released. We are proud to host this video at Breitbart News and we invite everyone to Tweet it, Facebook it and embed it in their blogs. Not because we necessarily agree with Ms. McAulay, but because we believe, as our founder did, that our nation is stronger because of active and engaging debate of all ideas.’
“community guidelines”? Which “community” would that be, I wonder?
UPDATE: Francis Porretto has much more to say on the matter.

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11 Responses to Teen’s (anti) Gay Marriage Video Banned By YouTube

  1. Andrei says:

    There is no good reason to pervert marriage in this manner – there is no argument that can be put forward to justify it beyond some vague appeal to “equality”

    And because the idea is so vacuous (actually very very dangerous) those pushing for it have to stifle debate and try and convince people who may have doubts that they are homophobes and out of touch.

    A sixteen year old who sees through the BS undermines the premise they are trying to sell and has to be silenced by fair means or foul

  2. KG says:

    “..beyond some vague appeal to “equality”…”
    Quite–see the “Mark R. Levin” post below, Andrei. ;-)

  3. The truly outrageous aspect of this case is that the case against same-sex marriage is irrefutable. At least, no one has dared to contradict me about it.

    • KG says:

      Well, they don’t try to contradict the facts, Francis. Because they can’t. It’s an orchestrated campaign (I believe) to denigrate, devalue and ultimately destroy the institution, because marriage is the biggest obstacle standing in the way of their Utopia.
      They harness emotion and resentment and the herd-like impulse to be seen as “progressive” to the cause. None of those things are amenable to reason.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        And the saddest thing is those wolves-in-sheets-clothing, pretending to be of the “right” who advance that agenda. Bad enough having to battle the utopian statist on this issue, but the “moderate” “right” as well (as with so many other issues, I know) is sick-making!

        You know who I’m talking about!

  4. KG says:

    We do.

  5. mara says:

    Polls seem to suggest that approval for homosexual marriage is highest among the young; as people age they become more disapproving. I wonder why this could possibly be? Maturity, life experience, wisdom, less indoctrinated by the tsunami of recent, progressive, liberal propaganda? Nah. Can’t be. Francis Porretto is clearly a SEXIST, doddery, HOMOPHOBIC fool. The teen’s anti-gay marriage rant was obviously a statistical abberration to be ignored or preferably banned. Right? Riight.

  6. Moist von Lipwig says:

    Once again, beautifully put by Francis.

    “The farce of whiny demands for “rights” no one can possibly possess has gone on long enough. ”

    Amen to that.

  7. Bold teen – and a girl/woman- too!!

  8. Rufus says:

    if the “moderate right” includes WO, he’s got more than enough on his plate on the moment – trying to keep some details about his own peccadilloes supressed…(oh, the irony) :popcorn