‘In order to meet the per-gallon fuel efficiency standards set by Congress, the automobile industry has been forced to reduce the size and weight (mass) of vehicles. Consequently, cars and light trucks contain more plastic and aluminium than ever before. Their human occupants are more vulnerable to injury and death from most kinds of accidents. The evidence proves the point.
In 1989, analysts at the Brookings Institute estimated that 2,000 to 3,900 lives are lost and 20,000 serious injuries occur each year in traffic accidents resulting from smaller, lighter cars.’ Mark Levin
Just add it to the millions of deaths caused by the banning of DDT–more anti-human, anti-civilization filth from greenies and their political accomplices.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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- Darin on Open House 3/16/25
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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I’ve known that for years.It’s one of my biggest pet peeves about the hybrids and electrics besides the lousy economics.They are only possible because the mass has been trimmed to the bare minimum.ROLLING DEATH TRAPS! :rant
Ja…they can fit all the air bags they like, but there’s no substitute for mass and structural strength.
Mobile speed-bumps for a decent 4*4. I assume this is Darin playing the role of billy-bob in this Clarkson classic?
.45 1911,followed by S&W .500 Mag,then Kg’s Mistress the Fal followed up by the Ma Deuce.
Tight arse Brit producers left out the M134D-
Belt fed American arn,just gets me all choked up and misty eyed
You sentimentalist, you.
I think it is Darin, Gantt. That clip is worth a post, surely?
“How to make a Prius more useful: fill it with lead”?
I’m working on one at the moment, along the lines of “Gina Reinhart = Goldstein (the Australian Left and the 2 Minutes Hate)” which (with your indulgence) I will publish this evening or tomorrow morning.
Looking forward to it.