‘..They were born in the UK, but many second and third generation immigrants speak or understand hardly any English, it was revealed today.
Their poor understanding of the language means they are unable to take notes or understand basic instructions on training courses ranging from engineering to electronics.
….Families deliberately discouraged children from learning English to protect their culture and ensure they could talk to their grandparents…’
So, what are these people, if not parasites?
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No they are colonists. There are two kinds of people who move to another country. Immigrants are those who move to another country to improve their lives, to take advantage of what the country has to offer, employment education housing. Colonists believe their culture is superior to that of the country they move to and seek to impose their culture on the host country.
What are they?
They are the bridge head of a modern type invasion. Aided and abetted by the likes of that Labour ex minister criticising their lack of integration. How dare he? His party deliberately fostered a “multicultural” immigrant Britain. They are traitors to the English nation and haters of all things British.
Correct kowtow and the current ones are no better. England is stuffed. :gunner Helen Clark deliberately opened the door here and Key is too cowardly to shut it. I predict that before long NZ will accept Australia’s “refugee” overload. Bloody depressing.
I don’t understand why we accept immigrants not from our traditional sources???
Why do we target Asia??What is the motivation?This is just pure treason…
Unless they are following a model to destroy our western culture.
Both Labour and National are satanic and demonic and are looking to destroy the best part of NZ and what we have created :rant …
You can tell which religion or culture they are referring to from the photo, not surprising, they prefer to remain backwards and stupid.
So how’s that third-world Islamic assimilation working out then, white boy?!
Proves, yet again, what most CR regulars have known all along: Islamic immigration into the West is nothing but invasion by any other name; invasion by enemy hordes who rather than assimilate are intent upon overwhelming the host culture and converting it to an Islamic, Sharia compliant third-world state [shit-hole].
Pretty much Kris,I’ve got English,French,German and Norwegian blood,but no German,French or Norwegian tongue is spoken in my household other than a few words I picked up of French from my Grandmother.American English is the predominant language here in the States and that’s what natives and every new immigrant speaks if they intend to be American and succeed in our society.People who come here and don’t learn English have automatically relegated themselves to being second class citizens.The government wankers may have a soft spot in they’re hearts for those that don’t,but no one else does.Who would hire someone they can’t communicate with unless they are running a sweat shop?
My Grandmother was a French speaking fourth generation American citizen when she along with everyone else in Louisiana were forced to speak English .-
She had no formal education opportunity in English early on so she had to learn it on her own by reading the L’Abeille de la Nouvelle-Orléans ,a single page news paper printed at the time which had the front page printed in French and the same articles printed in English on the back.
She did quite well at it even though some more modern English constructs she had trouble pronouncing.When she was in high school,which was all Catholic the Nuns were fairly brutal in enforcing the French ban,she remembered getting the Cane a few times for forgetting to speak English at school.It wasn’t her fault,French was the language spoken at home and all she had ever learned.
If anything like the French ban were implemented today there would be howls and screams from the left and immigrant groups and it’s mostly Muslims and Hispanic illegals who don’t want to assimilate.My Grandmother like most of her time were put off by having to learn English,it is a difficult language to learn afterall,but in the end she was greatful she did.
Interesting Darin. Like you I have a mixed background: 7/8ths English, 1/8th Maori, and a couple of drops of French from way back. While I know quite a few Maori words [probably no more than most Kiwis] I only speak English.
Like you mentioned in your last paragraph, it is the Liberal Left and those immigrant sub-classes [almost exclusively Muslim] who refuse to assimilate, even to the point of learning the host tongue, who scream loudest when the average citizen demands new arrivals become part of the host culture, and most certainly that they learn the host tongue.
Of course we all know there’s an Islamic/Marxist agenda at work here …